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Glenz: A Glossary of Plastics Terminology in 8 Languages Glenz: A Glossary of Plastics Terminology in 8 Languages


Glenz: A Glossary of Plastics Terminology in 8 Languages
© Hanser Publishers, Munich 2021

In collaboration with
Jean-François Agassant, Claudio Celata, Christian Dihlmann, Ibon Linacisoro, Alexandr Ogay, and David Wang Daoyuan

The Editor:
Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang W. Glenz, Der Breite Michelsweg 3, 67547 Worms, Germany

Carl Hanser Verlag
Postfach 86 04 20, 81631 Munich, Germany
Fax: +49 (89) 98 48 09

Preface - Vorwort

This revised edition of the glossary contains 2364 words connected with chemistry, properties, testing, and the technology of plastics. The extension (331 new terms) has concentrated on new technologies, biopolymers, and aspects related to sustainability. The concept remains the same as in the previous editions: a word-to-word translation without further explanation or interpretation. With this in mind, the user must be aware that this glossary is no substitute for a concise technical dictionary. It is particularly valuable for a quick relation of technical terms from a foreign language to the respective mother tongue. Even for translation of short technical texts, brochures, etc., this collection of technical terms usually is sufficient.
This new edition has been expanded with the corresponding terms in Portuguese, so this volume contains now plastic terms in eight languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
From the beginning, Dr. Hélène Guyot provided the French translations; for this volume Prof. Dr. Jean-François Agassant has provided the French terms. The Italian translations were originally compiled by Dr. Renzo Marchelli; since the fourth edition of this glossary, Claudio Celata has joined the editorial team. The Spanish translations were compiled by M. Santolaria Mur for the first editions; since the fifth edition, Ibon Linacisoro has been responsible for the Spanish terms. The sixth edition for the first time included Russian and Chinese translations. The original Russian terms were translated by Victor Goncharenko and Professor Dr. Komarow; the new terms in this volume have been translated by Alexandr Ogay. The Chinese translations were previously prepared by Professor Dr. Jiang Song; this edition has been revised and compiled by David Wang Daoyuan. And finally the complete translation into Portuguese has been conducted by Christian Dihlmann.
I would like to express my thanks to all my colleagues in this editorial team for their continuous support and advice. The new terms in this eighth edition in several languages have been carefully checked by Dr. Julia Díaz Luque, and Dr. Mark Smith has organized the whole procedure of combining the different translations and has supervised all steps of producing this edition in printed and electronic forms. This Glossary is also available in electronic format, either via download or online. A download code is provided on the first page of the print edition. Users are welcome to submit comments and suggestions for improvements.

Wolfgang Glenz, February 2021

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