Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
£ | pound(s) sterling (libra[e]) |
£ s.d. | pounds, shillings, pence (librae, soldi, denarii) |
£ stg | pound sterling |
£E | Egyptian pound |
© | copyright |
a. | acre(s); (Shipping News) arrived |
a. & h. | accident and health (insurance) |
a. a. | always afloat |
a. a. r. | against all risks; all average recoverable |
a. c. | of the present year (anni currentis) |
a. d. | active duty; after date |
a. d. s. | autograph document signed |
a. d. t. | automatic debit transfer |
a. f. b. | air freight bill |
a. g. b. | any good brand |
a. h. l. | at this place (ad hunc locum) |
A. J. | Associate Justice |
a. k. a. | also known as |
a. l. s. | autograph letter signed |
a. n. | above-named |
a. o. | amongst others |
a. v., a/v | to the value of (ad valorem) |
a. w. | atomic weight |
a. w. b. | airway bill |
a./or | and/or |
A.BR | American Bankruptcy Reports |
A/C | account; assistant cashier |
a/c, A/c | account |
A/cs Pay. | accounts payable |
A/cs Rec. | accounts receivable |
a/f | (Shipping News) also for: |
A/H | Antwerp/Hamburg range |
a/m | above mentioned |
a/o | (to the) account of |
A/P | account purchases; authority to purchase |
a/r | (against) all risks |
A/R | accounts receivable |
A/S | account sales |
a/s | account sales; after sight; alongside |
A/T | American Terms (Grain trade) |
a/w | actual weight |
AA | American Airlines; Advertising Association; Alcoholics Anonymous; anti-aircraft; Automobile Association |
AAA | American Automobile Association; American Accounting Association; American Arbitration Association; Association for Average Adjusters |
AAAA | American Association of Advertising Agencies |
AAAS | American Academy of Arts and Sciences; American Association for the Advancement of Science |
AAF | American Advertising Federation |
AAPOR | American Association for Public Opinion Research |
AARP | American Association for Retired People |
AAS | Fellow of the American Academy (Academiae Americanae Socius) |
AASO | Association of American Shipowners |
AATG | American Association of Teachers of German |
AAUP | American Association of University Professors |
AAUW | American Association of University Women |
AB | able-bodied (seaman); air base; Bachelor of Arts (Artium Bacchalaureus) |
ab init. | from the beginning (ab initio) |
ABA | American Bankers' Association; American Bar Association |
abbr | abbreviation |
ABC | American Broadcasting Company; Argentina, Brazil and Chile; Australian Broadcasting Commission |
ABCC | Association of British Chambers of Commerce |
Abk. | Abkürzung |
Abl. EGem | Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften |
ABM | anti-ballistic missiles |
A-bomb | atom(ic) bomb |
ABS | American Bureau of Shipping |
abs. re. | the defendant being absent (absente reo) |
AC | Appeal Cases (Law Reports); Appeal Court; Army Corps; Assistant Commissioner |
ACA | Adoption of Children Act; Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales |
ACAS | Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service |
ACCA | Associate of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants; Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants |
accr. int. | accrued interest |
ACCS | Associate of the Corporation of Certified Secretaries |
acct. & aud. | accountant and auditor |
ACGB | Arts Council of Great Britain |
ACH | Automated Clearing House Transfer |
AChS | American Chemical Society |
ACIA | Associate of the Corporation of Insurance Agents |
ACIB | Associate of the Corporation of Insurance Brokers |
ACIS | Associate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries (Chartered Secretary) |
ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union |
ACMA | Associate of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants |
ACP | African, Caribbean and Pacific countries |
ACPA | Associate of the Institution of Certified Public Accountants |
acpt. | acceptance |
ACR | American Criminal Reports |
ACRA | Associate of the Corporation of Registered Accountants |
ACRS | Accelerated Cost Recovery System; Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards |
ACS | A. Ch. S.; American Cancer Society |
ACSC | Association of Casualty and Surety Companies |
ACT | Advance Corporation Tax; Air Cargo Transport |
act. wt. | actual weight |
AD | American Decisions; Annual Digest and Reports of Public International Law Cases; Appellate Division |
ad int. | in the meantime (ad interim) |
ad lib. | at one's pleasure (ad libitum) |
ad loc. | at the place (ad locum) |
ad val. | according to value (ad valorem) |
ADA | Assistant District Attorney; Atomic Development Authority |
ADB | African Development Bank; Asian Development Bank |
ADELA | Atlantic Development for Latin America |
ADG | Assistant Director-General |
adj. | Adjektiv |
ADM | atomic demolition munition |
Adm. Ct. | Admiralty Court |
ADP | automatic data processing |
ADR | American Depositary Receipt; Alternative Dispute Resolution |
ads. | advertisements; at the suit (ad sectam) |
adv. | advance(d); against (adversus) |
adv. chgs. | advance charges |
adv. frt. | advanced freight |
Adv. Gen. | Advocate General |
advt | advertisement |
ADW | air defense warning |
AE. and P. | Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary |
AEA | Administration of Estates Act; Atomic Energy Authority |
AEAA | Association of Export Advertising Agencies |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
AEI | Associated Electrical Industries; American Enterprise Institute |
AER. | All England Reports |
AERE | Atomic Energy Research Establishment |
AETR | European Agreement Concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles Engaged in the International Road Transport |
AFA | Advertising Federation of America |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependant Children |
afft | affidavit |
AFGE | American Federation of Government Employees |
AFIA | American Foreign Insurance Association |
AFIDA | Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act |
AFII | American Federation of International Institutes |
AFL/CIO | American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizations |
aflt | afloat |
AFRC | Agriculture and Food Research Council |
AFS | American Field Service (international scholarships); Auxiliary Fire Service |
AG | Accountant General; Adjutant-General; Agent-General; Attorney(-)General |
AG | Aktiengesellschaft |
AGM | Annual General Meeting; air-to-ground-missile |
AGR | European Agreement on Main International Traffic Arteries |
Agt, agt | agent |
AHQ | Army Headquarters |
AIA | American Institute of Accountants; American Institute of Aeronautics; American Institute of Architects; American Insurance Association |
AIAA | Association of International Advertising Agencies |
AIB | American Institute of Banking; Association of International Bond Dealers |
AICPA | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants |
AID | Agency for International Development; Army Intelligence Department |
AIDA | Association Internationale de Droit des Assurances (International Association for Insurance Law) |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AIF | annual improvement factor |
AIH | artificial insemination by husband |
AIIA | Associate of the Institute of Industrial Administration |
AIM | Alternative Investment Market |
AIMS | American Institute of Merchant Shipping |
AIMU | American Institute of Marine Underwriters |
AIPO | American Institute of Public Opinion |
AISG | Accountants International Study Group |
AJIL | American Journal of International Law |
Ala. | Alabama (Staat der USA) |
ALALC | (Associactión Latinamericana de Libre Commercio) Latin American Free Trade Association (LAFTA) |
Alas. | Alaska (Staat der USA) |
ALCM | air launched cruise missile |
ALCU | American Civil Liberties Union |
ALI | American Law Institute |
aliter | otherwise |
ALJ | Australian Law Journal |
All ER | All England Law Reports (seit 1936) |
ALR | American Law Reports; Argus Law Reports |
ALRA | Abortion Law Reform Association |
Am | American English (Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika) |
Am. Assn. Sci. | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Am. Chem. Soc. | = A. Ch. S. |
Am. Corp. Cas. | American Corporation Cases |
am. cur. | a friend of the court (amicus curiae) |
Am. Dec. | American Decisions |
Am. Ins. Rep. | American Insolvency Reports |
Am. J. Comp. Law | American Journal of Comparative Law |
Am. J. Int. Law. | American Journal of International Law |
Am. Jour. Pol. | American Journal of Politics |
Am. L. Rev. | American Law Review |
Am. Law. J. (NS) | American Law Journal, New Series |
Am. Prob. Rep. | American Probate Reports |
Am. Rep. | American Reports |
Am. St. R. | American State Reports |
AMA | American Management Association; American Maritime Association; American Medical Association; American Marketing Association; Automobile Manufacturers Association |
AMC | American Maritime Cases; Army Medical Center (Washington, D. C.) |
Amer. | America, American |
Amer. Law Rev. | American Law Review |
Amex | American Stock Exchange |
Amexco | American Express Company Inc. |
AMIA | American Mutual Insurance Association |
AMMI | American Merchant Marine Institute |
AMUUS | Association of Marine Underwriters of the United States |
AMVETS | American Veterans (of World War II) |
An. | anonymous |
ANA | Arab News Agency (Kairo) |
ANAM | American National Association of Manufacturers |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANG | American Newspaper Guild |
Ann. Rep. | annual report |
Ann. St. | Annotated Statutes |
Anon. | anonymous |
ANPA | American Newspaper Publishers Association |
ANRPC | Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries |
ANS | American Nuclear Society |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ant. frt. | anticipated freight |
AOA | Affiliation Order Act |
AOB | any other business |
AP | Associated Press; Act of Parliament; additional premium; American Patent; answer prepaid |
APA | (Federal) Administrative Procedure Act |
APB | Accounting Principles Board |
APC | Auditing Practices Committee |
APEC | Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation |
APhysS. | American Physical Society |
APMM | Association of Policy Market Makers |
APP | Associated Press of Pakistan (Karatschi) |
App. | Appeals; Appellate (Court) |
App. Cas. | Appeal Cases (Law Reports) |
App. Ct. | Appellate Court |
App. DC | District of Columbia Appeals |
App. Div. | Appellate Division (N. Y. Supreme Court) |
App. NZ | Appeal Reports, New Zealand |
approx. | approximate(ly) |
appurts | appurtenances |
APR | annualized percentage rate |
AQ | achievement quotient |
AQL | acceptable quality level |
AR | advice of receipt; (against) all risks; American Reports; annual return; in the year of the reign (anno regni); Arrival and Return; Atlantic Reporter |
ARA | American Railway Association; Associate of the Royal Academy (London) |
ARAA | Alien Restriction (Amendment) Act |
ARAL | Associate of the Royal Academy of Literature |
ARB | Accounting Research Bulletin |
ARC | American Red Cross; Automobile Racing Club |
Ariz. | Arizona (Staat der USA) |
Ark. | Arkansas (Staat der USA) |
ARP | Air Raid Precautions |
ARR | in the year of the King's (Queen's) reign (Anno Regni Regis [Reginae]) |
arr. | arranged; arrival |
ARS | Accounting Research Study |
ARSA | Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy; Associate of the Royal Society of Arts |
AS | Academy of Science |
ASA | American Standards Association; American Statistical Association; Atomic Scientists' Association |
ASAA | Associate of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors (Incorporated Accountant) |
ASC | Accounting Standards Committee |
ASCAP | American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers |
ASCE | American Society of Civil Engineers |
ASE | American Stock Exchange; Associate of the Society of Engineers |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations |
ASG | Assistant Solicitor-General |
ASH | Action on Smoking and Health |
ASIA | Associate of Society of Incorporated Accountants |
ASIL | American Society of International Law |
ASLIB | Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux; Association for Information Management |
ASM | air-to-surface missile |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASNE | American Society of Newspaper Editors |
ASP | accelerated surface post |
ASPCA | American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
ASR | Accounting Series Release of the SEC |
Assn., assn. | association |
Assoc., assoc. | associate; association |
Asst, asst | assistant |
asst'd | assorted |
ASTM | American Society for Testing Materials |
ASU | American Students Union |
at. wt. | atomic weight |
ATA | admission temporaire, temporary admission (Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet); American Teachers Association |
ATC | Annotated Tax Cases (Law Reports); Air Training Corps |
ATD | Automatic Teaching Device |
Atl. | Atlantic; Atlantic Reporter |
ATM | automated teller machine |
ATP | Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs |
ATS | American Television Service; automatic transfer service |
ats. | at the suit of |
ATT | American Telephone and Telegraph Company |
Att. | Attaché; Attorney |
att. | attached; attorney |
Att.-Gen. | Attorney-General |
ATTA | American Tin Trade Association |
Atty & C. | attorney and client |
Atty Gen. Op. | Attorney General's Opinion |
Atty, atty | attorney |
Aud.-Gen. | Auditor-General |
AUP | Australian United Press (Melbourne) |
AUS | Ambassador of the United States; Army of the United States |
Austr. L. J. | Australian Law Journal |
AUT | Association of University Teachers |
Av. | Avenue |
av. | avenue; average; avoirdupois |
AVC | American Veterans' Committee |
AVCO | average cost |
avdp. | avoirdupois |
AVWW II | American Veterans of World War II |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWOL | absent (absence) without leave |
AWVS | American Women's Voluntary Services |
AYH | American Youth Hostels |
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