Oscar Brandstetter Verlag
Auflage 2005
Das Wörterbuch der Bildtechnik erfasst diese hoch innovative Technik in ihrer gesamten Breite und bietet mit mehr als 35.000 Einträgen in jeder Sprachrichtung die bislang umfangreichste Sammlung von Fachbegriffen der Bildtechnik in englischer und deutscher Sprache.
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery |
AIIM | Association for Information and Image Management |
AIME | European Society for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
AIPAD | Association of International Photography Art Dealers |
AMII | Association for Multi-Image International |
API | Associated Photographers International |
ASIFA | International Animated Film Association,International Animation Association |
BECT | European Cinema and Television Office |
CCIF | International Telephone Consultative Committee |
CCIR | International Radio Consultative CommitteeInternationaler Beratender Ausschuss für den Funkdienst |
CCITT | Consultative Committee for International Telephone and TelegraphInternational Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee |
CEPT | European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations |
CERN | European Laboratory for Particle Physics |
CIE | International Committee on Illumination, ICICommission Internationale de l'EclairageInternationale Beleuchtungskommission, IBK |
CVPR | International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
EACEM | European Association of Consumer Electronics ManufacturersEuropäische Vereinigung der Hersteller von UnterhaltungselektronikEuropäischer Verband der Heimgeräteindustrie |
EANM | European Association of Nuclear Medicine |
EAVA | European Audio-Visual Association |
EBU | European Broadcasting UnionUnion der Europäischen Rundfunkorganisationen, UER,Europäische Rundfunkunion |
ECCV | European Conference on Computer Vision |
ECI | European Color Initiative |
ECITC | European Committee for Information Technology Testing and CertificationEuropäische Kommission für die Prüfung und Zertifizierung nach ISO 9001 |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers AssociationEuropäische Vereinigung der Computerindustrie |
EDCF | European Digital Cinema Forum |
EDVBC | European Digital Video Broadcasting ConsortiumEuropäische Gesellschaft für Digitalfernsehen |
EFOC | European Fiber Optics ConferenceEuropäische Fachkonferenz für Faseroptik |
EISA | European Image and Sound Association |
ELMI | European Light Microscopy Initiative |
EMF | Euroepan Multimedia Forum |
EOS | European Optical SocietyEuropäische Gesellschaft für Optik |
EPCI | European Photographic Chemicals Industry Group |
EPIC | Evicence Photographers International Council |
EPMI | European Printer Manufacturers and ImportersVereinigung Europäischer Druckerhersteller und -Importeure |
ERC | European Radio CommitteeEuropäischer Ausschuss für Funkangelegenheiten |
ESA | European Space AgencyEuropäische Weltraumorganisation,Europäische Raumfahrtbehörde |
ESHPh | European Society for the History of Photography |
ETNO | European Public Telecommunications Network Operators AssociationVerband der Europäischen Betreiber von Telekommunikationsnetzen |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards InstituteEuropäisches Normungsinstitut für Telekommunikation |
EURESCOM | European Institute for Research and Strategy Studies in TelecommunicationsEuropäisches Institut für Forschung und Strategische Studien zur Telekommunikation |
EUTELSAT | European Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
EVN | Eurovision News |
EVS | European Videoconferencing ServiceEuropäischer Videokonferenzdienst |
FTA | Flexographic Technical Association |
GSTA | Giant Screen Theater Association |
IAPR | International Association for Pattern Recognition |
IAU | International Astronomical Union |
ICA | International Cartographic Association |
ICC | International Color ConsortiumInternationales Farbkonsortium |
ICCV | International Conference on Computer Vision |
ICHSPP | International Congress on High-Speed Photography & Photonics |
ICI | International Commission of (on) IlluminationInternationale Beleuchtungskommission, IBK |
ICIA | International Communications Industries Association |
ICIP | International Conference on Image Processing |
ICO | International Commission for Optics |
ICOM | International Committee for Audiovisual and Image and Sound New Technologies |
ICP | International Center of Photography |
ICPR | International (Joint) Conference on Pattern Recognition |
ICR | International Council for Reprography |
ICSID | International Council of Societies of Industrial Design |
ICSP | International Committee for the Science of Photography |
IEC | International Electrotechnical CommissionInternationale Elektrotechnische Kommission |
IEEE | [The] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
IFIP | International Federation for (of) Information ProcessingInternationaler Verband für Datenverarbeitung |
IFORS | International Federation of Operations Research Societies |
IFPA | Internationals Fire Photographers Associations |
IFSM | International Federation of Societies of Microscopy |
IFTA | International Federation of Telvision Archives |
IFTC | International Council for Film, Television and Audiovisual Communication |
IFVC | International Federation of Visual Communication |
IIPC | India International Photographic Council |
IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
IMACS | International Association for Mathematics and Computing in Simulation |
IMIA | International Medical Informatics Association |
IMLA | International Minilab Association |
IMPA | International Museum Photographers Association |
IMTC | International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium |
INIRC | International Non-Ionizing Radiation CommitteeInternationales Komitee für nichtionisierende Strahlung |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
IPA | International Prepress Association |
IPC | International Photographic Council |
IPOSA | International Photo-Optical Show Association |
IPTC | International Press Telecommunication Council |
IQ | International Quorum of Film and Video Producers |
IRPA | International Radiation Protection AssociationInternationaler Strahlenschutzverband |
IS & T | Society for Imaging Science and Technology |
ISA | International Federation of the National Standardizing Organizations |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization, International Standard[s] Organizations,Internationale Normungsorganisation |
ISP | International Society for Photogrammetry |
ISPRS | International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing |
ISU | International Stereoscopic Union |
ITU | International Typographical Union |
ITU | International Telecommunication[s] UnionInternationale Fernmeldeunion, IFU |
ITU-R | International Telecommunications Union - Radio Sector |
ITU-T | International Telecommunications Union - Telecom[munications Sector] |
ITVA | International Television Association |
IVLA | International Visual Literacy Association |
JBIG | Joint Bilevel Image Experts Group |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Expert Group |
MPEG | Motion Pictures Experts GroupExpertengruppe für Bewegtbildübertragung |
OIRT | International Radio and Television Organization |
OPS | Ophthalmic Photographers Society |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association |
SIGGRAPH | Special Interest Group for Graphics |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers |
SPIE | International Society for Optical Engineering |
UNIATEC | International Union of Technical Cinematograph Associations |
VESA | Video Electronics Standards Association |
WARC | World Administrative Radio Conference |
WPI | Wedding Photographers International |
WRC | World Radio Communication Conference |