Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
v | Verb |
v. | against (versus); see (vide) |
v.s. | see above (vide supra) |
v.v. | conversely (vice versa) |
V/A | voucher attached |
Va. | Virginia (Staat der USA) |
Va.L.Rev. | Virginia Law Review |
VAT | value added tax |
VC | Vice-Chairman; Vice-Chancellor; Vice-Consul; Victoria Cross |
VD | Venereal Disease |
VDU | visual display unit |
VE day | Victory in Europe Day (8. 5. 1945) |
VER | voluntary export restraint |
VersR | Versicherungsrecht |
Vet. Admin. | Veterans' Administration |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VFW | Veterans of Foreign Wars |
vgl. | vergleiche |
VI | Virgin Islands |
vid. | see (vide) |
VIP | Very Important Person |
Vis(c). | Viscount |
viz. | namely (videlicet) |
VJday | Victory in Japan day (Br 15. 8. 1945; Am 2. 9. 1945) |
VOA | Voice of America |
vol. | volume |
VölkerR | Völkerrecht |
vols | volumes |
VP | Vice-President |
VRA | voluntary restraint agreement |
VS | Veterinary Surgeon |
vs. | against (versus) |
VSO | Voluntary Service Overseas |
Vt. | Vermont (Staat der USA) |
VTC | voting trust certificate |
VTOL | vertical take-off and landing (aircraft) |
w.a., WA | with average |
w.b.s. | without benefit of salvage |
w.e.f. | with effect from |
w.g. | weight guaranteed |
w.i. | when issued (stocks) |
w.p., w/p. | without prejudice |
w.p.m. | words per minute |
W.S. | writer to the signet |
W.Va. | West Virginia (Staat der USA) |
W/R | warehouse receipt |
W/W | warehouse warrant |
WA | West Africa; Western Australia; Wills Act |
WALR | Western Australian Law Reports |
WAPOR | World Association for Public Opinion Research |
War(w). | Warwickshire |
Wash. | Washington (Staat der USA) |
Wash. L. Rep. | Washington Law Reporter |
Wash. L. Rev. | Washington Law Review |
Wash.ULQ | Washington University Law Quarterly |
WATA | World Association of Travel Agencies |
WB, W/B | waybill |
WC & Ins.Rep. | Workmen's Compensation and Insurance Reports |
WCA | Workmen's Compensation Act |
WCC | World Council of Churches |
WCOTP | World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession |
WD | War Department; Works Department; Western District |
WDV | written-down value |
WechselR | Wechselrecht |
Weekly L. Bull. | Weekly Law Bulletin |
West. Weekly R. | Western Weekly Reports (Canada) |
WET | Western European Time |
WEU | Western European Union |
WFP | World Food Program |
WFPA | World Federation for the Protection of Animals |
WFSW | World Federation of Scientific Workers (ehem.) |
WFTU | World Federation of Trade Unions |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WI. | West Indies; Women's Institute |
wing | warrants into negotiable Government securities |
WIP | work in process |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization |
Wis(c). | Wisconsin (Staat der USA) |
Wis.L.Rev. | Wisconsin Law Review |
WJC | World Jewish Congress |
WLR | Weekly Law Reports (seit 1953) |
WMA | World Medical Association |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WN (NSW) | Weekly Notes, New South Wales |
Women Law J. | Women Lawyers Journal |
Worc. | Worcestershire |
WP, w.p. | weather permitting |
WPA, w.p.a. | with particular average |
WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
WR | Weekly Reporter |
WRI | War Resisters' International |
WT, W/T | wireless telegraphy; wireless telephony |
WTO | World Trade Organization; World Tourism Organization |
ww | with warrants |
WWD | weather working day(s) |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund |
WWR | Western Weekly Reports |
www | world wide web |
Wy(o). | Wyoming (Staat der USA) |
Wyo.LJ | Wyoming Law Journal |
x | ex(cluding) dividend |
x.i., x.int. | not including right to next interest (ex interest) |
x.mill | ex mill |
x.n. | not including right to new shares (ex new [shares]) |
x.roads | cross roads |
x.rts. | without rights ('right 2.) |
x.ship | ex ship |
x.whse | ex warehouse |
x.wks | ex works |
xd., xdiv. | not including right to dividend (ex dividend) |
xw | without warrants |
Y | yen |
Y/A | York-Antwerp (Rules) |
Yale L.J. | Yale Law Journal |
YAR | York-Antwerp Rules |
YB | Year Book |
YBHR | Yearbook of Human Rights |
YBILC | Yearbook of the International Law Commission |
YCW | (International) Young Christian Workers |
yd.(s.) | yard(s) |
YHA | Youth Hostels' Association |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association |
Yorks. | Yorkshire |
YTS | Youth Training Scheme |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association |
z. B. | zum Beispiel |
ZANU | Zimbabwe African National Union |
ZAPO | Zimbabwe African People's Union |
ZBB | zero base budgeting |
ZIP | Zoning Improvement Plan |
ZPG | zero population growth |
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