Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
t. | ton(s) |
T/F | technological forecasting |
TA | telegraphic address; Territorial Army; Trustee Act |
Ta | tare |
TAA | Technical Assistance Administration; Transaustralia Air Lines |
TAB | Technical Assistance Board |
TACs | total allowable catches |
TAMRA | Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act |
TAP | Transarabian Pipeline |
Tax Cas. | Tax Cases |
Tax L.Rev. | Tax Law Review |
Tax Mag. | Tax Magazine |
TB | Treasury Bill; Trial Balance |
TB, t.b. | trial balance |
TC | Tax Cases; Tax Court; Town Council(lor); Trusteeship Council |
TD | Treasury Decisions; Treasury Department |
TDB | total disability benefit |
TDF | transborder data flow |
TDO | Table of Denial Orders |
tdw. | tons deadweight |
TEA | Trade Expansion Act; Trading with the Enemy Act |
TEE | Trans-Europe Express |
TEFRA | Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act |
tel. | telegram; telegraph(ic); telephone |
Tel.No. | Telephone Number |
teleg. | telegram; telegraphy |
Temple L.Q. | Temple Law Quarterly |
Tenn. | Tennessee (Staat der USA) |
Tenn.L.Rev. | Tennessee Law Review |
TEU | Treaty on European Union |
Tex. | Texas (Staat der USA) |
Tex.L.Rev. | Texas Law Review |
TGWU | Transport and General Workers' Union |
th. | thing |
Thro.B.L. | Through Bill of Lading |
TIAS | Treaties and other International Acts Series |
TICs | transferable loan certificates |
TIGRs | Treasury Investment Growth Receipts |
TIMS, TIMS | The Institute of Management Sciences |
TIR | international road transport (Transports Internationaux Routiers) |
TL, t.l. | time loan; total loss |
TLO, t.l.o. | total loss only |
TLR | Times Law Reports |
TM | multiple (address) telegram (télégramme [à adresses] multiples) |
TMA | Trade Marks Act 1938 |
TMO | telegraph(ic) money order |
TMVA | (National) Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act 1966 |
tn | ton(s) |
TNC | transntional corporation |
TNE | transnational enterprise |
tns | tons |
TO | telegraph office; telegraphic order; transport officer; turn over |
TOB | take-over bid |
TOEFL | Test of English as a Foreign Language |
TOFC | trailer-on-flat-car transport |
tonn. | tonnage |
ToP | terms of payment |
ToT | terms of trade |
TQ., t/q. | tale quale |
TQM | Total Quality Management |
TR | Taxation Reports; Term Reports; Trust Receipt; telegram to be called for (télégramme adressé télégraphe restant) |
TRA | Tax Reform Act |
Treas. | Treasurer; Treasury |
Treas. Bds | Treasury Bonds |
Treas.Reg. | Treasury Regulations |
Trib. | Tribunal |
TRO | temporary restraining order |
TRT | Trademark Registration Treaty |
TS | time-sharing; Treasury-Solicitor; Treaty Series |
ts | tons |
TSB | Trustee Savings Bank |
TSCA | Toxic Substances Control Act |
TSUS | Tariff Schedules of the United States |
TT | telegraphic transfer; teletypewriter |
TU | Trade Union |
TUAC | Trade Unions Advisory Committee (to O.E.C.D.) |
TUC | Trades Union Congress |
TV | television (set) |
TWA | Trans-World Airlines |
TWI | Training within Industry |
TWU(A) | Transport Workers' Union (of America) |
U | universal; University; Utah (Staat der USA) |
u. c. e. | unforeseen circumstances excluded |
U.Chi.L.Rev. | University of Chicago Law Review |
u.i. | as below (ut infra) |
U.Miami L.Rev. | University of Miami Law Review |
U.Pa.L.Rev. | University of Pennsylvania Law Review |
u.s. | as above (up supra) |
U.S.Supr.Ct.Dig. | Digest of United States Supreme Court Reports |
U.Toronto L.J. | University of Toronto Law Journal |
u.u.r. | under (the) usual reserve |
u/m | undermentioned |
U/w | underwriter |
UA, u. a. | Unit of Account |
UC | University College; Upper Canada |
UCC | Uniform Commercial Code |
Ucits | undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities |
UCP | Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits |
UCSA | Uniform Conditional Sales Act |
UDR | Ulster Defence Regiment |
UFC | United Free Church (of Scotland) |
UFCA | Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act |
UFCT | United Federation of College Teachers |
UFI | Union of International Fairs (Union des foires internationales) |
UFO | Unidentified Flying Object(s) |
UGC | University Grants Committee |
UI | Unemployment Insurance |
UIC | International Union of Railways (Union internationale des chemins de fer) |
UICC | International Union against Cancer (Union internationale contre le cancer) |
UJD | Doctor of Civil and Canon Law (Utriusque Juris Doctor) |
UK | United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) |
UK | United Kingdom |
UK. or Cont. | United Kingdom or Continent of Europe |
UK./C | United Kingdom or Continent of Europe |
UKAEA | United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority |
UKHAD | United Kingdom, Havre, Antwerp, or Dunkirk |
ULA | Uniform Laws Annotated |
ULCC | ultra large crude carrier |
ULMS | undersea long-range missile system |
ULPA | Uniform Limited Partnership Act |
ult. | in the preceding month (ultimo) |
UMS | Universal Maintenance Standards |
UMT | Universal Military Training |
UN | United Nations |
UN | United Nations |
UN Doc. | United Nations Documents; Documents issued by the United Nations |
UN Doc. E | United Nations Documents Economic and Social Council |
UN Doc. S | United Nations Documents Security Council |
UN Doc. ST | United Nations Documents Secretariat |
UN Doc. T | United Nations Documents Trusteeship Council |
UN Doc.A | United Nations Documents General Assembly |
UNAEC | United Nations Atomic Energy Commission |
UNCITRAL | United Nations Commission on International Trade Law |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development |
UNCTC | United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNDRO | United Nations Disaster Relief Organization |
UNEF | United Nations Emergency Force |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization |
UNFPA | United Nations Fund for Population Activities |
UNGA | United Nations General Assembly |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
UNHQ | United Nations Headquarters |
UNIC | United Nations Information Centre |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund |
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization |
UNIDROIT | International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Institut international pour l'unification du droit privé) |
UNIL | Uniform Negotiable Instruments Law |
univ | university |
unm. | unmarried |
UNO | United Nations Organization |
UNRWA | United Nations Relief and Works Agency (for Palestine Refugees) |
UNSC | United States Security Council |
UNTA(A) | United Nations Technical Assistance (Administration) |
UN-tag | United Nations Transition Assistance Group |
UNTC | United Nations Trusteeship Council |
UNTS | United Nations Treaty Series |
UNYB | United Nations Yearbook |
UPA | Uniform Partnership Act |
UPC | Universal Postal Convention; universal product code |
UPLA | Uniform Product Liability Act |
UPU | Universal Postal Union |
UR | under the rule |
URESA | Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act |
US | United States; United States Supreme Court Reports |
USA | Uniform Sales Act; United States Army; United States (of America) |
USA | United States of America |
USAEC | United States Atomic Energy Commission |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAID | US Agency for International Development |
USAREUR | United States Army, Europe |
USC | United States Code; University of Southern California |
USC.Supp. | United States Code Supplement |
USCA | United States Code Annotated |
USCC | United States Circuit Court |
USCCA | United States Circuit Court of Appeals |
USCCPA | United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USCt.Cl. | United States Court of Claims Reports |
USD | United States dollar |
USES | United States Employment Service |
USF | United States Forces |
USG | United States Government |
USIS | United States Information Service |
USLEd. | United States Report (Lawyers Edition) |
USLRev. | United States Law Review |
USLWeek | United States Law Week |
USM | United States Mail; United States Marines; Unlisted Securities Market |
USMC | United States Maritime Commission |
USN | United States Navy |
USNC | United States National Guard |
USNF | United States Naval Reserve |
USP | unique selling position |
USP(at). | United States Patent |
USP(har). | United States Pharmacopoeia |
USPQ | United States Patent Quarterly |
USS | United States Senate; United States Ship (or Steamer) |
USSC | United States Supreme Court |
USTR | US Trade Representative |
UT(M) | Unitary Taxation (Method) |
Ut. | Utah (Staat der USA) |
UTO | Universal Tourism Organization |
UWRA | Uniform Warehouse Receipts Act |
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