Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
R & D | research and development |
R & D | Research and Development |
R & TD | research and technological development |
R & VR | Rating and Valuation Reports |
R. | Queen (Regina); Registered; King (Rex); Royal; Rupee(s) |
r.&c.c. | riots and civil commotions |
r.c.c.&s. | riots, civil commotions and strike |
R/D | refer to drawer |
RA | resident alien; Regular Army; Royal Academician; Royal Academy |
RAA | Royal Academy of Arts |
RAC | Royal Automobile Club |
RACA | Royal Automobile Club of Australia |
RADAR | radio detection and ranging |
RADWAR | radiological warfare |
RAF(VR) | Royal Air Force (Volunteer Reserve) |
RAS | Royal Aeronautical Society; Royal Agricultural Society |
RBN | Registry of Business Names |
RC | Red Cross; Roman Catholic; Royal College; Royal Commission |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America; Royal College of Art |
RCL | Ruling Case Law |
RCS | Royal College of Science |
Rd | road |
RDC | Research and Documentation Centre; running down clause |
re | in the matter of |
recd | received |
ref. | refer; reference; referred; refused |
Reg. | Queen (Regina); Register; Registrar; Registry; Regulation |
Reg. T.M. | registered trade mark |
reg. tn | register ton |
Reg.-Gen. | Registrar-General |
regd | registered |
REIF | revolving Euronote issuance facility |
REIT | real estate investment trust |
rel. | relating; relative(ly); religion |
rep. | report(s); reporter |
Rep. Pat. Cas. | Reports of Patent Cases |
Rep.Att.Gen. | Reports of the Attorney General |
repo | repurchase agreement |
Repub. | Republic(an) |
Resp. | respondent |
resp. | respective(ly) |
Rev. | Reverend |
Rev.Ed. | Revised Edition |
Rev.Rul. | Revenue Ruling |
Rev.St(at). | Revised Statutes |
RGBl | Reichsgesetzblatt |
rgd | registered |
RH | Royal Highness |
RI | Rhode Island (Staat der USA); Reinsurance; Rotary International; Royal Institute |
RIBA | Royal Institute of British Architects |
RIE | Recognized Investment Exchange |
RIIA | Reports of International Arbitral Awards; Royal Institute of International Affairs |
RLO | Returned Letter Office |
RM | Royal Mail; Royal Marines |
RMBCA | Revised Model Business Corporation Act |
RMS | Royal Mail Steamer; Royal Medical Society |
RN | registered nurse; Royal Navy |
ROCE | return on capital employed |
ROI, RoI | return(s) on investment |
RoR | Rule of Reason; rate of return |
Ro-Ro | roll on - roll of |
Rospa | Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents |
ROTC | Reserve Officers' Training Corps |
RP | repurchase agreement; Regius Professor; reply paid (telegram) |
RPC | Reports of Patent (Design, Trademark, and other) Cases; Restrictive Practices Court |
RPD | Doctor of Political Science (Rerum Politicarum Doctor) |
RPI | Retail Price Index |
RPM | resale price maintencance |
RR | Revised Reports; Right Reverend |
RRC | Reports of Rating Cases; (Lady of the) Royal Red Cross |
RS | Revised Statutes; Royal Society |
Rs | rupees |
RSA | Royal Scottish Academy; Royal Society of Arts |
RSC | Rules of the Supreme Court (Revision) 1965; Revised Statutes of Canada |
RSG | Rate Support Grant (to local authorities) |
RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
RSS | Fellow of the Royal Society (Regiae Societatis Socius) |
RSVP | please reply (répondez s'il vous plaît) |
RT | radio telegraphy; radio telephony |
Rt Hon. | Right Honourable |
Rt Rev. | Right Reverend |
RTA | Road Traffic Act |
RTAA | Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act |
RTPA | Restrictive Trade Practices Act |
RTRA | Radio and Television Retailers' Association |
RTT | radio teletyper |
RUC | Royal Ulster Constabulary |
RUF | revolving underwriting facility |
RV | rat(e)able value |
RVO | Royal Victorian Order |
S | Seller; Senate (bill); South(ern); Southern Reporter |
S & L | savings and loan association |
s. | section; see; shilling(s) |
s. | see |
s. th., sth. | something |
S.&F.A. | Shipping and Forwarding Agents |
s.&h.c. | sundays and holidays excepted |
S.Am. | South-America(n) |
S.Con.Res. | Senate concurrent resolution |
s.d. | several dates; sight draft; without day (sine die) |
S.Dak. | South Dakota (Staat der USA) |
s.g.d.g. | without government guarantee (sans garantie du gouvernement) |
s.l.p. | without lawful issue (sine legitima prole) |
s.m.p. | without male issue (sine mascula prole) |
s.p. | without issue (sine prole) |
S.Res. | Senate Resolution |
S/D | sea-damaged |
S/LC | sue and labour clause |
s/s, s.s. | steamship |
SA | Salvation Army; Securities Act; semi-annual; South Africa; South America; South Australia; Statutes Annotated; société anonyme (French, Belgian, Luxembourg or Swiss public company) |
SABC | South African Broadcasting Corporation |
SAC | Scottish Automobile Club |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
SACLANT | Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic |
SAD | Single Administrative Document |
SAE, s.a.e. | stamped addressed envelope |
SAF | structural adjustment facility |
SALJ | South African Law Journal |
SALR | South African Law Reports |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
Salv. | Salvador |
Sam(s) | surface-to-air missile(s) |
SAPA | South African Press Association |
SARs | stock appreciation rights |
SAS | Scandinavian Airlines System |
SASR | South Australian State Reports; Special Air Service Regiment |
SAYE | save as you earn |
SB | Supplementary Benefit; sales book |
sb. | somebody |
SB.Comm. | Bachelor of Science in Commerce |
SBA | Small Business Administration |
SBIA | Small Business Investment Act |
SBIC | Small Business Investment Companies |
SC | Salvage Charges; same case; Session Cases; South Carolina (Staat der USA); Supreme Court; Supreme Court Reporter |
SC | Security Council (UN) |
SC(HL) | Session Cases (House of Lords) |
SC(J) | Session Cases (High Court of Judiciary) |
sc. | namely (scilicet) |
Sc.&T. | Science and Technology |
Sc.D. | Doctor of Science (scientiae doctor) |
SCAN | Stock Market Computer Answering Network |
SCAPA | Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising |
sched. | schedule |
sci.fa. | please make known (scire facias) |
scil. | namely (scilicet) |
SCJ | Supreme Court of Judicature |
SCLQ | South Carolina Law Quarterly |
Scot | Scottish |
Scot. | Scotland; Scotsman; Scottish |
Scot.L.R. | Scottish Law Reports |
Scot.L.Rev. | Scottish Law Review |
SCt. | Supreme Court Reporter |
SD | South Dakota (Staat der USA); State Department |
SDI | Strategic Defense Iniative; State Disability Insurance |
SDNY | Southern District New York |
SDP | Social Democratic Party |
SDR | Special Drawing Right |
SE | South-Eastern; South Eastern Reporter; stock exchange |
SE.2d | South Eastern Reporter, Second Series |
SEA | Securities Exchange Act |
SEAO | save error and omission |
SEAQ | Stock Exchange Automated Quotations System |
SEATO | South East Asia Treaty Organization |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
sec., secs. | section, sections |
Sec.C., Off.Rec. | Security Council, Official Records |
SeeversR | Seeversicherungsrecht |
SEMBs | Stock Exchange Money Brokers |
Sen. | Senate; Senator; Senior |
Senr. | Senior |
seq. | the following (sequens) |
seqq. | the following (sequentes, sequentia) |
SERPS | State Earnings-Related Pension Scheme |
Sess. cas. | Session cases |
SFAS | statement of financial accounting standards |
SFES | small firms employment subsidies |
SFR | Swiss franc |
SG | for the sake of safety (salutis gratia); Solicitor-General |
SGA | Sale of Goods Act |
sgd | signed |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe |
shex | sundays and holidays excepted |
shipt | shipment |
SI | Statutory Instrument |
SIA | Securities Industry Association |
SIB | Securities and Investments Board |
SIC | Standard Industrial Classification |
SIF | stock-index futures |
sig.miss. | signature missing |
SIPC | Securities Investor Protection Corporation |
SIT | State Income Tax |
SITA | Students' International Travel Association |
SITC | Standard International Trade Classification |
SJ | Solicitors' Journal |
SJ.Res. | Senate joint resolution |
SJD | Doctor of Juridical Science (Scientiae Juridicae Doctor) |
sl. | slang |
SL.Rev. | Scottish Law Review |
SLBM | Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile |
SLCM | sea-launched cruise missile |
SLG | Scottish Law Gazette |
SLR | Scottish Land Reports |
SLT | Scots Law Times |
SLT (Land Ct.) | Scots Law Times Land Court Report |
SLT (Notes) | Scots Law Times Notes of Recent Decisions |
SM | Master of Science (Scientiae Magister); Stipendiary Magistrate |
SMEs | small and medium-sized enterprises |
SN, S/N | shipping note |
SNG | synthetic natural gas |
SNP | Scottish National Party |
So. Calif.L.Rev. | Southern California Law Review |
Soc., soc. | society |
SOFFEX | Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange |
Sol. | Solicitor |
Sol.-Gen. | Solicitor-General |
SOLAS | International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea |
SP | Shore Patrol; (bills of exchange) supra protest |
SPADATS | Space Detection and Tracking System |
SPCA | Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals |
sq(q) | the following (sequentes, sequentia) |
sq. | square |
sq.ft. | square foot (feet) |
sq.in(s) | square inch(es) |
sq.m. | square mile(s) |
SR (N.S.W.) | State Reports, New South Wales |
SR.&O. | Statutory Rules and Orders |
SRBM | Short Range Ballistic Missile |
SRCC | strike, riots, and civil commotions |
SRINF | shorter range INF |
SRO | Self-Regulating Organization |
SRS | Fellow of the Royal Society (Societatis Regiae Socius) |
SS | Social Security; Standard Size; steamship |
ss. | sections; signum sigilli; steamship |
SSA | Social Security Administration; Social Security Act |
SSAP | Statement of Standard Accounting Practice |
SSC | Solicitor to the Supreme Court |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
SSM | Surface to Surface Missile |
SSS | Selective Service System |
ST | Standard Time; Summer Time |
St. Ex., St. Exch. | Stock Exchange |
Stabex | System for the stabilization of ACP and OCT export earnings |
Stan.L.Rev. | Stanford Law Review |
STANY | Securities Traders Association of New York |
STAR | Satellites for Telecommunications |
START | Strategic Arms Reduction Talks |
Stat. | Statute(s); Statute(s) at Large |
Stat.Hall. | Stationers' Hall |
SteuerR | Steuerrecht |
stg. | sterling |
StGB | Strafgesetzbuch |
StIA | State Immunity Act |
STOL | short take-off and landing (aircraft) |
StPO | Strafprozeßordnung |
Str. | street |
StrafR | Strafrecht |
STUC | Scottish Trades Union Congress |
SUB | supplementary unemployment benefits |
Suff. | Suffolk |
SUI | State Unemployment Insurance |
SUNFED | Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development |
sup. | above (supra) |
Sup. Ct. | Supreme Court; Supreme Court Reporter |
Super Ct. | Superior Court |
supp., suppl. | supplement(ary) |
supr. | supreme |
Supt | Superintendent |
Sur. | Surrey |
Surr. Ct. | Surrogate's Court |
Suss. | Sussex |
SW | South Wales; South West(ern); South Western Reporter |
SW2d | South Western Reporter, 2d series |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
SWLJ | South Western Law Journal |
Sx. | Sussex |
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