Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
O. | Ohio (Staat der USA) |
o. s. | oneself |
o.c. | office copy; in the work cited (opere citato) |
O.G. Pat.Off. | Official Gazette, United States Patent Office |
o.p. | out of print |
o.r. | owner's risk |
o.t.o.r. | on truck or railway |
o.w.h. | ordinary working hours |
o/s. | on sale; out of stock |
OAP | Old Age Pensioner |
OAPEC | Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OAS | on active service; Organization of American States |
OASDI | Old Age, Survivors' and Disability Insurance |
OAU | Organization of African Unity |
OB | Ordinary Business |
ob. | died (obiit) |
ob.s.p. | died without issue (obiit sine prole) |
OBE | Officer of the Order of the British Empire |
obs. | obsolete |
OC | Orphans' Court |
OCAS | Organization of Central American States |
OCC | Office of the Comptroller of the Currency |
OCD | Office of Civil Defense |
Ocis | Organized Crime Information System |
OCL | Overseas Container Ltd. |
OCT | Overseas Countries and Territories |
od. | oder |
OE, o.e. | omissions excepted |
OEA | Office of Export Administration |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development |
OFC | Overseas Food Corporation |
Off. Rec. | General Assembly, Official Records |
OFT | Office of Fair Trading |
OGO | Orbiting Geophysical Observatory |
Ohio Dec. | Ohio Decisions |
Ohio S.L.J. | Ohio State Law Journal |
Ohio St. | Ohio State Reports |
OHMS | On Her (His) Majesty's Service |
Okla. | Oklahoma (Staat der USA) |
Okla.L.R. | Oklahoma Law Review |
OM | Order of Merit |
OMA | Orderly Market Arrangement |
ONC | Ordinary National Certificate |
OND | Ordinary National Diploma |
ONS | Overseas News Service (London) |
Ont. | Ontario |
Ont. L.R. | Ontario Law Reports |
Ont.App. | Ontario Appeals |
OP | open policy; Out of Print |
op. cit | in the work quoted (opere citato) |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
opp. | as opposed to |
OPS | open price system |
OR | Official Receiver; operational (operations) research; Other Ranks; owner's risk |
Ord. | Order |
ord., ordy | ordinary; ordinary shares (or stock) |
Ore(g). | Oregon (Staat der USA) |
Ore. L.Rev. | Oregon Law Review |
OS | Old Style; ordinary seaman; Ordnance Survey; outsize; out of stock |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Act |
OSO | Orbiting Solar Observatory |
OT | overtime |
OTC | Overseas Trade Corporation; over-the-counter (market) |
OtN | order to negotiate |
oz(s). | ounce(s) |
P | Pacific Reporter; (car) park; pedestrian (crossing); Probate Division (Law Reports) |
P & I | protection and indemnity |
P & I | protection and indemnity |
P & L | profit and loss |
P & L A/c. | profit and loss account |
p. | page; paid; (new) penny; person |
p. | person |
p.a. | yearly (per annum) |
p.a.c. | put and call |
p.c., pc. | per cent |
p.d. | by the day (per diem); port dues |
p.m. | afternoon (post meridiem); after death (post mortem) |
p.m.h. | production per man-hour |
p.o.c. | port of call |
p.p. | parcel post; by proxy (per procuration[em]) |
p.r.t. | pro rata temporis; petroleum revenue tax |
P/A | power of attorney; private account |
P/E | price/earnings (ratio) |
P/L, P & L | profit and loss |
P/N., p.n. | promissory note |
PA | particular average; Patents Act; Personal Assistant; power of attorney; Press Attaché; Press Association; Public Accountant; public address |
Pa. | Pennsylvania (Staat der USA); Pennsylvania State Reports |
Pa. Super | Pennsylvania Superior Court |
PABX | private automatic branch exchange |
PAC | Pan-American Congress; perishable agricultural commodities |
Pac. | Pacific Reporter; put and call |
Pac. 2d | Pacific Reporter, Second Series |
Pan-Am. | Pan-American World Airways |
Panhonlib | Panama, Honduras, and Liberia |
par. | paragraph; parish |
parl | parliamentary term |
Parl. | Parliament(ary) |
Parl.S. | Parliamentary Secretary |
part. | participating |
part.pref. | participating preference shares |
Pat. Off. | Patent Office |
patd | patented |
PatR | Patentrecht |
PAU | Pan American Union |
PAX | private automatic (telephone) exchange |
PAYE | Pay-As-You-Earn (Income Tax, Schedule E) |
payt, paymt | payment |
PB | Prayer Book; British Pharmacopoeia (Pharmacopoeia Britannica) |
PBGC | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation |
PC | personal computer; politically correct; Parish Council(lor); Patent Cases; petty cash; Police Constable; prices current; Privy Council(lor); Public Company |
PCIJ | Permanent Court of International Justice |
pcl | parcel |
PCNB | Permanent Central Narcotics Board |
PCOB | Permanent Central Opium Board |
PCT | Patent Cooperation Treaty |
PD | Police Department; Postal District; Probate Division (Law Reports) |
pd | paid |
PE, p.e. | probable error |
PEFCO | Private Export Funding Corporation |
Penn(a). | Pennsylvania (Staat der USA) |
per an. | yearly (per annum) |
per cur. | by the court (per curiam) |
per pro(c). | by proxy (per procurationem) |
perks | perquisites |
pers. | person(s) |
PERT | Programme Evaluation and Review Technique |
pet. | petitioner |
pf (or pfd) | preferred (or preference) shares or stock |
pf. (or pfd) ord. | preferred ordinary shares |
PG | German Pharmacopoeia (Pharmacopoeia Germanica); Paying Guest |
Ph.D. | Philosophiae Doctor (Doctor of Philosophy) |
Ph.D., D.B.A. | Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration |
PHA | Public Housing Administration |
PHS | Public Health Service |
PIN | personal identification number |
pk(g) | package |
pkt | packet |
PL | Public Law |
PLA | Port of London Authority |
PLC, plc | public limited company |
Plen. | Plenipotentiary |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization |
pltf. | Plaintiff |
PM | Paymaster; Police Magistrate; Postmaster; Prime Minister; Provost Marshal |
PMD | Program for Management Development |
PMG | Paymaster-General; Postmaster-General; Provost Marshal General |
PMTS | Predetermined Motion Time System |
PNEU | Parents' National Educational Union |
PNYA | Port of New York Authority |
PO | Patent Office; Petty Officer; Pilot Officer; postal order; Post Office |
POB | Post Office Box |
POD | pay on delivery |
pol | political term |
pol(it). | political; politics |
Pol.Econ. | political economy |
POO | post office order |
POR | payable on receipt |
POS | point of sale system; Public Offer of Securities |
POW | prisoner of war |
PP | parcel post; Parish Priest |
PPBS | planning-programming-budgeting system |
ppd | prepaid |
PPR | Polish People's Republic |
PPS | Parliamentary Private Secretary |
PQ | Political Quarterly; Province of Quebec |
PQ.'s | Parliamentary Questions |
PR | proportional representation; public relations; Puerto Rico; Press Release; payroll |
Prec. Ch. | Precedents in Chancery |
Pref. | Preface |
pref., prefs | preferred (or preference) shares (or stock) |
prefab. | prefabricated |
Pres. | President |
prev. | previous(ly) |
prm | premium |
PRO | Public Record Office; Public Relations Officer |
pro quer. | for the plaintiff (pro querente) |
pro tem. | for the time being (pro tempore) |
Pro.Am.Soc. Int.L. | Proceedings of American Society of International Law |
Proc. | Proctor |
proc. | proceedings; procuration |
prop. | property |
Prov. | Province; Provost |
prox. | next month (proximo) |
ProzeßR | Prozeßrecht |
PRSA | Public Relations Society of America |
Pru. | Prudential Assurance Company |
PS | Parliamentary Secretary; Permanent Secretary; postscript(um); privatesecretary |
PSBR | Public Sector Borrowing Requirement |
PSC | Public Service Commission |
psd | (Shipping News) passed |
PSS | postscripta |
PST | Pacific Standard Time |
PSV | public service vehicle |
PT | physical training; Public Trustee |
PTIA | Protection of Trading Interests Act |
ptly pd | partly paid |
PTO | Patent and Trademark Office; please turn over |
PU | Public Utilities |
pub | public house; public; published; publisher; publishing |
Pub.Adm.Rev. | Public Administration Review |
Pub.Doc. | Public Documents |
PUC | Public Utilities Commission |
PUD | Public Utility District |
PUF | prime underwriting facility |
PUHCA | Public Utility Holding Company Act |
PUR | Public Utility Reports |
PUS | Parliamentary Under-Secretary; Pharmacopoeia of the United States |
PW | prisoner of war |
PWA | Public Works Administration |
PWD | Public Works Department |
PWLB | Public Works Loan Board |
pwt. | pennyweight |
PX | Post Exchange |
Q. | Quebec; Queen('s); Question; Quotient |
q. | quarter; query |
q.c.f. | quare clausum fregit (wherefore he broke the clause) |
q.d. | as if he should say (quasi dicat) |
q.e. | which is (quod est) |
q.v. | which see (quod vide) |
QAB | Queen Anne's Bounty |
QB | Queen's Bench (Law Reports) |
QBD | Queen's Bench Division |
QC | Queen's Counsel |
QED | which was to be proved (quod erat demonstrandum) |
QJPR | Queensland Justice of the Peace Reports |
QLR | Queensland Law Reporter |
QM | Quartermaster |
QMG | Quartermaster-General |
QNS | Quantity not Sufficient |
QR | Quarterly Review |
QRSC | Quebec Reports, Superior Court |
QS | Quarter Sessions |
QSR | Queensland State Reports |
Quar.L.R. | Quarterly Law Review |
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