Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
M. | motorway |
m. | male; married; metre(s); meter(s); mile(s); minute(s); month |
M.Agr. | Master of Agriculture |
M.Com. | Master of Commerce |
m.d., m/d | months after date; months' date |
M.Ec. | Master of Economics |
M.Hon. | Most Honourable |
m.p. | manu propria |
M.P.A. | Master of Public Administration |
m.s., m/s | mail steamer; months after sight |
M.Sc. | Master of Science |
m/l | more or less |
M/P | memorandum of partnership |
M/R, m/r | mate's receipt |
M/U | making up price |
MA | Marriage Act; Master of Arts (magister artium); Military Academy |
MA (SS) | Master of Arts in Social Science |
MAFF | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food |
Mag.Ct | Magistrates' Court |
Man.Dir. | Managing Director |
MANS | Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences |
manuf. | manufacture; manufacturing |
MAP | maximum average price |
MAPI | Machinery and Allied Products Institute |
mar. | married |
Mar.L.Cas. | Maritime Law Cases |
marg. | margin(al) |
Mass. | Massachusetts (Staat der USA) |
Mass. L.Q. | Massachusetts Law Quarterly |
Mass. L.R. | Massachusetts Law Reporter |
MAST | marine science and technology |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MBC | Municipal Borough Council |
MBCA | Model Business Corporation Act |
MBE | Member (of the Order) of the British Empire |
MBFR | Mutual and Balanced Reduction of Forces |
MBI | management buyin |
MBIM | Member of the British Institute of Management |
MBM | Master of Business Management |
MBO | management by objectives; management buyout |
MC | Magistrates' Cases; Magistrates' Court; Maritime Commission; marriage certificate; Member of Congress; Military Committee (NATO); Monopoly Commission; master of ceremonies; Military Cross |
MCA | Magristrates' Courts Act; monetary compensatory amount |
MCAUS | Manufacturing Chemists' Association of the U.S. |
MCE | Master of Civil Engineering |
MCL | Malaysian Common Market; Master of Civil Law; Master of Comparative Law |
MCM | Manual for Courts Martial (US Army) |
MCPS | Mechanical Copyright Protection Society |
MCS | Master of Commercial Science |
MCW | Maternity and Child Welfare |
MD | Managing Director; Medical Department; Medicinae Doctor (Doctor of Medicine); Memorandum of Deposit |
Md. | Maryland (Staat der USA) |
Md. L.Rev. | Maryland Law Review |
Mddx. | Middlesex |
MDNA | Machinery Dealers' National Association |
MDS | measured daywork system |
ME | Middle East(ern); Mining Engineer |
Me. | Maine (Staat der USA) |
mem. | member; remember (memento); memorandum |
MEMA | Motor and Equipment Manufacturers' Association |
Memo. | Memorandum |
MEP | Member of the European Parliament |
MEPC | Metropolitan Estate and Property Corporation |
MerchShA | Merchant Shipping Act |
Messrs | Messieurs |
MET | Mid European Time |
MEWA | Motor and Equipment Wholesalers' Association |
MFA | Multifibre Arrangement |
MFN | most favo(u)red nation |
MH | Medal of Honor |
MHR | Member of the House of Representatives |
MHRT | Mental Health Review Tribunal |
MI | Military Intelligence (M.I.5 security service; M.I.6 espionage department) |
MIA | Marine Insurance Act |
MICE | Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers |
Mich. | Michigan (Staat der USA) |
Mich. L.Rev. | Michigan Law Review |
MIGA | Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency |
MIL | Member of the Institute of Linguistos |
mil | military term |
Mil.Att. | Military Attaché |
Mil.Gov. | Military Government |
Min. | Minister; Ministry |
min. | minimum; mining |
Min.Plen. | Minister Plenipotentiary |
Minn. | Minnesota (Staat der USA) |
Minn.L.Rev. | Minnesota Law Review |
MIP | Marine Insurance Policy |
MIRV | Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles |
Misc. | Miscellaneous Reports (N.Y.) |
Miss. | Mississippi (Staat der USA) |
Miss.L.J. | Mississippi Law Journal |
MIT | Management Investment Trust |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
MITI | Ministry of International Trade and Industry (of Japan) |
Mk | Mark; marketing |
Mkt | Market |
MLA | Member of Legislative Assembly; Modern Language Association (of America) |
MLAUS | Maritime Law Association of the United States |
MLC | Member of Legislative Council |
MLR | Modern Law Review |
MM | Mercantile Marine; Military Medal; Messieurs |
MMA | Merchandise Marks Act |
MMC | money market certificate; Monopolies and Mergers Commission |
MMF | Markt- und Meinungsforschung |
MMO | Mercantile Marine Officer |
MN | Merchant Navy |
MNAS | Member of the National Academy of Sciences |
MNC | multinational company (or corporation) |
MNE | multinational enterprise |
MO | Medical Officer; Money Order |
Mo. | Missouri (Staat der USA); Monday |
Mo.App. | Missouri Court of Appeals Reports |
Mo.L.Rev. | Missouri Law Review |
MoD | Ministry of Defence |
mod.cons. | (with all) modern conveniences |
Mod.L.Rev. | Modern Law Review |
MOH | Medical Officer of Health; Ministry of Health |
MOL | Manned Orbiting Laboratory |
Mont. | Montana (Staat der USA) |
Mont.L.Rev. | Montana Law Review |
Month.L.Mag. | Monthly Law Magazine (London) |
Month.L.Rev. | Monthly Law Review |
Montr.cond.Rep. | Montreal Condensed Reports |
Montr.Leg.N. | Montreal Legal News |
mortg. | mortgage |
MoT | Ministry of Transport |
MOU | memorandum of understanding |
MP | Member of Parliament; Military Police(man) |
MPB and W. | Ministry of Public Buildings and Works |
MPC | Model Penal Code |
mph | miles per hour |
MPL | Master of Patent Law |
MPR | Maritime Provinces Reports, Canada |
MR | Master of the Rolls; Motivation Research |
MRAS | Member of the Royal Academy of Science |
MRBM | medium-range ballistic missile |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
MRCA | multi-role combat aircraft |
MRS | Market Research Society |
MRV | multiple re-entry vehicle |
MS | Master of Science; Merchant Shipping; motor ship; manuscript |
ms., mss. | manuscript(s) |
Ms.D. (Patents) | Manuscript Decisions |
MSA | Merchant Shipping Act; Mutual Security Agency |
MSAC | most seriously affected countries |
MsMC | Monopolies and Merger Commission |
MSS | manuscripts |
MT | metric ton |
Mt.Rev. | Most Reverend |
MTN | multilateral trade negotiations |
MTTA | Machine Tools Trades' Association |
mun. | municipal |
Mun.Corp.Cas. | Municipal Corporation Cases |
Mun.Ct. | Municipal Court |
Mun.L.J. | Municipal Law Journal |
MV, m.v. | Motor Vessel |
MVO | Member of the (Royal) Victorian Order |
MWPA | Married Women's Property Act |
Mx | Middlesex |
n. | born (natus); new; note |
n.b. | new bonds; mark well (nota bene); no goods (nulla bona) |
n.d. | no date; not dated |
N.Dak. | North Dakota (Staat der USA) |
n.e. | not exceeding |
n.m. | nautical mile |
N.Mex. | New Mexico (Staat der USA) |
n.o.h.p. | not otherwise herein provided |
n.o.p. | not otherwise provided (for) |
n.o.r. | not otherwise rated |
n.p. | net proceeds; new paragraph |
n.r.a.d. | no risk after discharge |
n.s.f. | not sufficient funds |
n/a. | no account |
N/E | no effects |
N/F. | no funds |
N/O. | no orders |
N/R, n.r. | no risk |
NA | it is not allowed (non allocatur); North America |
NAA | National Aeronautic Association; National Automobile Association |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NAAFI | Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes |
NACA | National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics |
NACRO | National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders |
NADPAS | National Association of Discharged Prisoners' Aid Societies |
NAEA | National Association of Estate Agents |
NAFFP | National Association of Frozen Food Producers |
NAFO | Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization |
NAIC | National Association of Insurance Commissioners |
NAII | National Association of Independent Insurers |
NALGO | National and Local Government Officers' Association |
NAM | National Association of Manufacturers |
NAMH | National Association for Mental Health |
NAMIC | National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies |
NANA | North American Newspaper Association |
NAPAN | National Association for the Prevention of Addiction to Narcotics |
NARF | Native American Rights Fund |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences; National Association of Schoolmasters; Noise Abatement Society |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASD | National Association of Securities Dealers |
NASDAQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations System |
NASDIM | National Association of Security Dealers and Investment Managers |
NASDQ | National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation |
Nat. Corp. Rep. | National Corporation Reporter |
Nat.B.J. | National Bar Journal |
Nat.Inc. Tax Mag. | National Income Tax Magazine |
Nat.Lawyers Guild Q. | National Lawyers Guild Quarterly |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization; National Association of Travel Organizations |
naut.m. | nautical mile |
NAV | net annual value |
NB | Scotland (North Britain); mark well (nota bene) |
NBC | National Broadcasting Corporation |
NBNA | National Bank of North America |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards (USA) |
NC | North Carolina (Staat der USA) |
NCC | Nature Conservancy Council |
NCCL | National Council for Civil Liberties |
NCI | New Community (borrowing and lending) Instrument |
NCL.Rev. | North Carolina Law Review |
NCR | National Cash Register Company |
ND | North Dakota (Staat der USA) |
NDL.Rev. | North Dakota Law Review |
NDSB | Narcotic Drugs Supervisory Body |
NE | North-Eastern; North Eastern Reporter |
NE.2d | North Eastern Reporter, 2d Series |
NEA | National Education Association; Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD) |
NEAFC | North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission |
Neb(r). | Nebraska (Staat der USA) |
Neb.L.Bull. | Nebraska Law Bulletin |
NEC | National Executive Committee |
Neg.Ins. | Negotiable Instrument |
nem.con. | nobody contradicting (nemine contradicente) |
nem.diss. | nobody dissenting (nemine dissentiente) |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NERC | National Environment Research Council |
NEST | Nuclear Energy Search Team |
Nev. | Nevada (Staat der USA) |
NF | National Front; Nouveau Franc |
NFA | National Futures Association |
NFIP | National Foreign Intelligence Program |
NFU | National Farmers' Union |
NGO | Non-governmental Organization |
NH | New Hampshire (Staat der USA) |
NHI | National Health Insurance |
NHS | National Health Service |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Commission |
NI | National Insurance; Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland Law Reports |
ni.pri. | unless previously (nisi prius) |
NIA | National Insurance Act |
NIBOR | New York Interbank Offered Rate |
NIC | National Investors' Corporation |
NICB | National Industrial Conference Board (New York) |
NICs | newly industrialized countries |
NIESR | National Institute of Economic and Social Research |
NIF | note issurance facility |
NIL | Negotiable Instruments Law |
NILQ | Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly |
NIMEXE | Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States |
NIS | Norwegian International Ship Register |
NJ | New Jersey (Staat der USA) |
NJ.Super. | New Jersey Superior Courts Reports |
NJL.Rev. | New Jersey Law Review |
NJLJ | New Jersey Law Journal |
NL | it is not clear (non liquet) |
NLB | National Labor Board |
NLJ | New Law Journal |
NLRA | National Labor Relations Act |
NLRB | National Labor Relations Board |
NM | New Mexico (Staat der USA) |
NMB | National Maritime Board |
NNP | Net National Product |
No., no. | number |
nol.pros. | to be unwilling to prosecute (nolle prosequi) |
non cum. | non cumulative |
non pros. | he does not prosecute (non prosequitur) |
Northants. | Northamptonshire |
Northumb. | Northumberland |
Nos., nos | numbers |
Notts. | Nottinghamshire |
NOW | negotiable order of withdrawal |
NP | unless before (nisi prius); no protest; Notary Public |
NPA | Newspaper Publishers' Association |
NPC | non-participating country |
NPG | Nuclear Planning Group |
NPT | Non-Proliferation Treaty |
NPV | no par value; net present value |
NRA | nonresident alien |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
NRPB | National Radiation Protection Board |
NRT, n.r.t. | net register ton |
NS | New Series; New Style; not sufficient (funds) |
NSA | National Security Agency; National Shipping Authority |
NSB | National Bureau of Standards (in Washington) |
NSC | National Security Council |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NSGT | Non-Self-Governing Territories |
NSPCC | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
NSW | New South Wales |
NSWSt.R. | New South Wales State Reports |
nt. wt. | net weight |
NTB | non-tariff barriers |
NUJ | National Union of Journalists |
NUM | National Union of Manufacturers; National Union of Mineworkers |
NUS | National Union of Students; National Union of Seamen |
NW | North-West(ern); North Western Reporter |
NW 2d | North Western Reporter, Second Series |
NY | New York (Staat der USA) |
NYC | New York City |
NYFE | New York Futures Exchange |
NYLJ | New York Law Journal |
NYS | New York State; New York Supplement |
NYS 2d | New York Supplement, Second Series |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange |
NYSupp. | New York Supplement |
NYULQRev. | New York Universitiy Law Quarterly Review |
NYULRev. | New York University Law Review |
NZ | New Zealand |
NZLR | New Zealand Law Reports |
NZPA | New Zealand Press Association |
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