Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
k | kilo |
k. | knot |
K. B. | King's Bench (Br) |
K. C. | King's Counsel (Br) |
k.d.c.l. | knocked down, in carloads |
k.p.h. | kilomet|res (~ers) per hour |
Kann., Kans. | Kansas (Staat der USA) |
KD, k.d. | knocked down |
Ken. | Kentucky (Staat der USA) |
kg | kilogram(me) |
KLM | Royal Dutch Air Lines |
km | kilomet|re (~er) |
kn | knot(s) |
Knt. | Knight |
kos. | kilos |
Ky | Kentucky (Staat der USA) |
L | learner-driver; Liberal |
L & D | loans and discounts; loss and damage |
L&U | loading and unloading (railway) |
L(TC) | Tax Cases Leaflets |
l. | left; lira; lire; litre(s); liter(s) |
L. Ed. | Lawyers' Edition (U. S. Supreme Court Reports) |
L. of C. | Library of Congress |
l.c. | leading cases; legal currency; in the place cited (loco citato) |
l.f.a. | local freight agent |
L.J.Ex. | Law Journal, Exchequer |
L.Lib.J. | Law Library Journal |
l.m.c. | low middling clause (cotton trade) |
L.Rev. | Law Review |
l.s.c. | in the place before cited (loco supra citato) |
l.t.l. | less than truckload |
L.V.App.Ct. | Lands Valuation Appeal Court (Scotland) |
L/A | Letter of Authority |
L/C, l/c | letter of credit |
L/T | landlord and tenant ; long ton |
LA | Larceny Act; Law Agent; Legislative Assembly; Licensing Act; Los Angeles |
La. | Louisiana (Staat der USA) |
La.Ann. | Louisiana Annual Reports |
lab | laboratory |
Lab. | Labour (Party) |
Labor L.J. | Labor Law Journal |
LAFTA | Latin-American Free Trade Association |
LAIA | Latin American Integration Association |
LaL. Rev. | Louisiana Law Review |
Lancs. | Lancashire |
LAS | Lord Advocate of Scotland |
lat. | latitude |
LAUA | Lloyd's Aviation Underwriters' Association |
Law & Contemp. Prob. | Law and Contemporary Problems |
Law Q. Rev. | Law Quarterly Review |
Law Rep. | Law Reports |
Law Soc. J. | Law Society Journal |
lb. | pound (in weight) (libra) |
LBCH | London Bankers' Clearing House |
LBH | Length, Breadth, Height |
LBO | leveraged buyout |
lbs. | pounds |
LC | Leading Cases; Library of Congress; London Clause (shipping); Lord Chamberlain; Lord Chancellor; Lower Canada |
LCA | Land Charges Act; Licensed Company Auditor; letter of credit |
LCC | London Chamber of Commerce |
LCE | London Commodity Exchange |
LChA | Land Charges Act |
LCJ | Lord Chief Justice |
LCL., l.c.l. | less than carload lot(s); Less than Container Load |
LCLJ | Lower Canada Law Journal |
LCR | Lower Canada Reports |
LCTA | London Corn Trade Association |
Ld | Lord |
LDCs | Less Developed Countries |
ldg | landing; loading |
ldg & dely | landing and delivery |
LDMA | London Discount Market Association |
LEA | Local Education Authority |
Leb. | Lebanon |
Leics. | Leicestershire |
LG | Life Guards; London Gazette |
lg tn | long ton |
LGB | Local Government Board |
LGR | Local Government Reports |
lgth | length |
LH | Licensing Hours |
LHA | Local Health Authority |
LHAR | London, Hull, Antwerp, or Rotterdam |
LHC | Lord High Chancellor |
LIAMA | Life Insurance Agency Management |
Lib. | Liberal; colloq. Liberation |
LIBID | London Interbank Bid Rate |
LIBOR | London Interbank Offered Rate |
LIFFE | London International Financial Futures Exchange |
lifo, LIFO | last-in-first-out (or last in, first out) |
LIMEAN | London Interbank Mean |
Lincs. | Lincolnshire |
LIP | Life Insurance Policy |
liq. | liquid |
LJ | Law Journal; Lord Justice of Appeal |
LJ (QB, PC) | Law Journal, Queen's Bench, Privy Council |
LJ QB | Law Journal, Queen's Bench |
LJ.Ch. | Law Journal, Chancery Division |
LJHL | Law Journal, House of Lords |
LJJ | Lords Justices of Appeal |
LJMC | Law Journal, Magistrates' Cases |
LJP&M | Law Journal, Probate and Matrimonial |
LJR | Law Journal Reports |
LJRep, NS | Law Journal Reports, New Series |
LJUC | Law Journal, Upper Canada |
LL | Law List; Lending Library |
LL.B. | Bachelor of Laws (legum baccalaureus) |
LL.D. | Doctor of Laws (legum doctor) |
Ll.LR | Lloyd's Law Reports (1919-1950) |
LLC | limited liability company |
LLDC | least developed countries |
LLM | Master of Laws (legum magister) |
Lloyd's Rep. | Lloyd's Reports |
Lloyd's Rep. | Lloyd's List Report (1951 bis heute) |
LLT | London Landed Terms |
LM | Lord Mayor |
LMC | Labour Management Committee |
LME | London Metal Exchange |
LMRA | Labor Management Relations Act |
LNG | liquefied national gas |
LOA | leave of absence |
loc.cit. | at the place cited (loco citato) |
long. | longitude |
Loran | long-range navigation |
Lords Journals | Journals of the House of Lords |
Lou. | Louisiana |
LP | Labour Party; Liberal Party; Life Policy; London Port; Lord Provost |
LPA | Law of Property Act; Leather Producers' Association for England |
LPS | London Press Service; Lord Privy Seal |
LQR, LQ.Rev. | Law Quarterly Review |
LR | Land Registry; Law Report(s); Law Review; Lloyd's Register (of Shipping) |
LRA | Land Registration Act; Lawyers' Reports Annotated |
LRCA | London Retail Credit Association |
LRCS | League of Red Cross Societies |
LRINF | longer-range INF |
LRRPC | Law Reports, Restricitive Practices Cases |
LRS | Land Registry Stamp; Lloyd's Register of Shipping |
LRSA | Law Reports, South Australia |
LRTAP | long-range transboundary air pollution |
LS, l.s. | place of the seal (locus sigilli) |
LSA | Louisiana Statutes Annotated |
LSE | London School of Economics; London Stock Exchange |
LSG | Law Society Gazette |
LSS | Life-saving-Service |
LST | Local Standard Time |
LT | Law Times; Law Times Reports; Letter Telegram |
Lt.Gov. | Lieutenant Governor |
Lt.V. | light vessel |
LTA | London Teachers' Association |
LTCA | Law Times Reports, Court of Appeals |
Ltd, ltd | Limited |
LTFV | less than fair value |
LTJ | Law Times Journal |
LTR | Law Times Reports |
LTRA | Lands Tribunal Rating Appeals |
LV | Licensed Victualler; luncheon voucher |
LVA | Licensed Victuallers Association |
LW | low water |
LWOP | leave without pay |
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