Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
H & M | hull and machinery |
h. | hour(s); |
h. & c. | hot and cold (water) |
h. c. l. | high cost of living |
H. of R. | House of Representatives |
h.a. | in this year (hoc anno) |
h.c. | held covered; home consumption; honoris causa |
H.Com. | High Commissioner |
H.Con.Res. | House Concurrent Resolution |
H.J.Res. | House joint resolution |
h.p. | half-pay; horse-power |
h.v. | under this word (hoc verbo) |
H/H | Havre/Hamburg range |
ha | hectare(s) |
HA. or D. | Havre, Antwerp or Dunkerque (Dunkirk) |
hab. corp. | habeas corpus |
Hals. Stat. | Halsbury's Statutes of England |
Harv. Int. L. J. | Harvard International Law Journal |
Harv. L. Rev. | Harvard Law Review |
HB | House Bill |
HBM | Her (His) Britannic Majesty |
H-bomb | hydrogen bomb |
HC | High Court; House of Commons |
HC(J) | High Court (of Justice) |
HCB | House of Commons Bill |
HCR | (UN-)High Commissioner for Refugees |
HE | His Eminence; His Excellency |
Heref. | Herefordshire |
Herts. | Hertfordshire |
hf | half |
hgt | height |
HGV | heavy goods vehicle |
HH | Her (His) Highness; His Holiness (the Pope) |
hifo | highest-in-first-out |
HIH | Her (His) Imperial Highness |
HIM | Her (His) Imperial Majesty |
hist | historical |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HK | House of Keys |
HL | House of Lords; House of Lords Appeals |
hl | hectolitre(s) |
HL.Rep. | House of Lords Reports |
HLB | Home Loan Bank |
HLBB | Home Loan Bank Board |
HLCas. | House of Lords Cases |
HLR | Harvard Law Review |
HM | headmaster; Her (His) Majesty; Home Mission |
HMC | Her (His) Majesty's Customs |
HMF | Her (His) Majesty's Forces |
HMG | Her (His) Majesty's Government |
HMI | Her Majesty's Inspector (of Schools) |
HMO | health maintenance organization |
HMS | Her (His) Majesty's Service; Her (His) Majesty's Ship (or Steamer) |
HMSO | Her (His) Majesty's Stationery Office |
HMT | Her (His) Majesty's Transport |
HNC | Higher National Certificate |
HND | Higher National Diploma |
HO | Head Office; Home Office |
HOLC | Home Owners' Loan Corporation |
Hon. | Honorary; Hono(u)rable |
hon.sec. | honorary secretary |
HP | hire purchase |
HQ, Hq. | Headquarters |
HR | Home Rule; House of Representatives |
hr(s) | hour(s) |
HRH | Her (His) Royal Highness |
HS | Harmonized System |
HSE | here is buried (hic sepultus est) |
HST | highest spring tide |
HT | hired transport; under this title (hoc titulo) |
ht | height |
Hunts. | Huntingdonshire |
HW, h.w. | high water |
HWM | high water mark |
HWMC | House Ways and Means Committee |
I | Idaho (Staat der USA) |
I&P | indexed and paged (of account books) |
I. & S. | Iron and Steel |
i. a. | inter alia |
i.a.w. | in accordance with |
i.e. | that is to say (id est) |
I.o.M. | Isle of Man |
i.o.p. | irrespective of percentage |
I.o.W. | Isle of Wight |
i.o.w. | in other words |
i.p.a. | including particular average |
i.q. | the same as (idem quod) |
i.t. | in transit (in transitu) |
i.v. | increased value; invoice value |
i/c, i./c. | in charge (of) |
I/F | insufficient funds |
I/I | indorsement irregular |
IA | first quality; Incorporated Accountant; Industrial Assurance; Interpretation Act |
Ia. | Iowa (Staat der USA) |
IAA | Incorporated Accountants and Auditors; Insurance Accountants Association; International Advertising Association |
IABA | Inter-American Bar Association; International Aircraft Brokers Association |
IAC | Inter-American Conference |
IACSU | International Association of Casualty and Surety Underwriters |
IADB | Inter-American Development Bank |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAES | International Association of Exchange Students |
IAF | International Aeronautical Federation; International Automobile Federation |
IANEC | Inter-American Nuclear Energy Commission |
IAPIP | International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property |
IASC | International Accounting Standards Committee |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IAU | International Association of Universities |
IAUPL | International Association of University Professors and Lecturers |
IAVG | International Association for Vocational Guidance |
IAW | International Alliance of Women |
IB | Invoice Book |
ib., ibid. | in the same place (ibidem) |
IBA | Independent Broadcasting Authority; International Bar Association |
IBAA | Investment Bankers Association of America |
IBF | International Banking Facility |
IBI | International Broadcast Institute |
IBM | International Business Machines; Intercontinental Ballistic Missile |
IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) |
IBSFC | International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission |
IC & C | invoice, cost and charges |
ICA | International Commodity Agreement or Arrangement; International Cooperative Alliance; Interstate Commerce Act; Investment CompanyAct |
ICAEW | Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICB | International Commodity Body |
ICBM | Intercontinental Ballistic Missile |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce; Interstate Commerce Commission; Institute Cargo Clauses |
ICE | Institution of Civil Engineers |
ICEF | (UN)International Children's Emergency Fund |
ICES | International Council for the Exploration of the Sea |
ICIE | International Council of Industrial Editors |
ICJ | International Court of Justice |
ICLQ | International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
ICM | Intergovernmental Committee for Migration |
ICNAF | International Convention for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries |
ICO | International Coffee Organization; International Commodity Organization |
ICPO | International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) |
ICRC | International Committee of the Red Cross |
ICRF | International Cancer Research Foundation |
ICS | Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers; International Chamber of Shipping |
ICSID | International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes |
ICSM | International Committee of Scientific Management |
ICSU | International Council of Scientific Unions |
ICTUS | Counselor at Law (iurisconsultus) |
ICU | International Code Use |
ICW | International Council of Women |
ID | Intelligence Department |
Id. | Idaho (Staat der USA) |
id. | the same (idem) |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDB | Inter-American Development Bank; International Development Association (of the United Nations); illicit diamond buying |
IDD | international direct dial(l)ing |
IEA | International Energy Agency (OECD) |
IEFC | Insurance Export Finance Company |
IET | Interest Equalization Tax |
IFA | International Fiscal Association |
IFAD | International Fund for Agricultural Development |
IFC | International Finance Corporation |
IFR | illness frequency rate; instrument flight rules |
IFT | International Federation of Translators |
IFUW | International Federation of University Women |
IFWL | International Federation of Women Lawyers |
IHA | International Hotel Association |
IIA | Institute of Internal Auditors; Insurance Institute of America |
IIRI | International Industrial Relations Institute |
IISPS | International Institute of Social and Political Sciences |
ILA | International Law Association |
ILAAB | International Law Association, American Branch |
ILC | International Law Commission; irrevocable letter of credit |
Ill. | Illinois (Staat der USA) |
Ill.L.Rev. | Illinois Law Review |
ILO | International Labour Office; International Labour Organization |
ILQ | International Law Quarterly |
ILR | International Law Reports (Lauterpacht) |
ILS | Incorporated Law Society |
IMCS | International Movement of Catholic Students |
IMF | International Marketing Federation; International Monetary Fund |
IMM | Institution of Mining and Metallurgy |
IMO | International Maritime Organization; International Money Order |
in b. | in the goods of (in bonis) |
in init. | in the beginning (in initio) |
in liq., in liqn | in liquidation |
in loc. | in the place of (in loco) |
in loc. cit. | in the place cited (in loco citato) |
in re | in the matter of |
in trans. | in transit (in transitu) |
in. | inch(es) |
in2 | square inch |
INA | Immigration and Nationality Act; Indian National Airways; Irish News Agency (Dublin) |
Inc. | Incorporated |
incl. | including; inclusive |
incorp. | incorporated |
Incoterms | International Commercial Terms |
Ind. | Indiana (Staat der USA) |
ind. | independent; industrial |
Inex | International News Exchange |
INF | Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces |
inf. | below (infra) |
Infoterm | International Information Centre for Terminology |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organization |
INS | Immigration and Naturalization Service |
Ins., ins. | insurance |
ins.int. | insurable interest |
Ins.L.J. | Insurance Law Journal |
insce | insurance |
INSEAD | European Institute of Business Administration (in Fontainebleau) |
Inst. | institute; institution |
inst. | of the current month (instant); instal(l)ment; institute |
Inst. Act. | Institute of Actuaries |
Inst. Bks | Institute of Bankers |
Inst.J. | Institutes of Justinian |
insur. | insurance |
int. | interest |
int.al. | among other things (inter alia) |
Int.and Comp. LQ | International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
Int.Encycl.Comp.L. | International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law |
Int.Law Quarterly | International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
Int.Rev. | Internal Revenue |
Intelsat | International Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
internat. | international |
Interpol | International Criminal Police Organization |
Io. | Iowa (Staat der USA) |
IOA | Institute of Actuaries; Institute of Arbitrators |
IOB | Institute of Bankers |
IOC | International Olympic Committee |
IOCA | International Organization for Civil Aviation |
IOCU | International Office of Consumers' Unions |
IOE | International Organization of Employers |
IOGT | International Order of Good Templars |
IOJ | International Organization of Journalists; Institute of Journalists |
IOLM | International Organization of Legal Metrology |
IOP | Institute of Patentees |
IOS | International Organization for Standardization; Investors' Overseas Services |
IOU | I owe you |
IP | Imperial preference; inland post |
IPA | Institute of Practitioners of Advertising; International Publishers' Association |
IPC | International Patent Classification; Iraq Petroleum Company |
IPD | interest, profits and dividends |
IPI | International Press Institute |
IPR | (British) Institute of Public Relations |
IPR | Internationales Privatrecht |
IPT | insurance premium tax |
IPU | Interparliamentary Union |
IQ | intelligence quotient |
iqued | that which was to be proved (id quod erat demonstrandum) |
IR | Inland Revenue; Internal Revenue; Irish Reports |
Ir.L.T. | Irish Law Times |
Ir.L.T.Rep. | Irish Law Times Reports |
Ir.R. | Irish Reports |
IRA | Industrial Relations Act; Irish Republican Army |
IRBM | intermediate-range ballistic missile |
IRC | Inland Revenue Commissioners; Internal Revenue Code; International Red Cross |
IRCA | Immigration Reform and Control Act |
IRD | Internal Revenue Department |
IREM | Institute of Real Estate Management |
IRF | International Road Federation |
IRI | Industrial Research Institute |
IRM | information research management |
IRO | Inland Revenue Office; Internal Revenue Office |
IRP | Index of Retail Prices |
IRR | internal rate of return |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
IRU | International Road Transport Union |
Is. | Island(s); Isle(s) |
ISALPA | Incorporated Society of Auctioneers and Landed Property Agents |
ISBN | international standard book number |
ISC | International Sugar Council |
ISDA | International Swap Dealers Association |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISF | International Shipping Federation |
ISI | International Statistical Institute |
ISM | Imperial Service Medal |
ISMA | Incorporated Sales Managers' Association |
ISO | Imperial Service Order; International Standardization Organization |
Isro | International Securities Regulatory Organisation |
ISS | International Student Service |
IT | Information Technology; Income tax; Inner Temple; investment trust |
ITA | International Trade Administration; Independent Television Authority; International Tourist Association |
ITC | International Trade Commission; International Trade Center; International Tin Council |
ITN | Independent Television News |
ITT | International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation |
ITTO | International Tropical Timber Organization |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
ITV | Independent Television |
ITWF | International Transport Workers' Federation |
IUA | International Union of Advertising |
IUAI | International Union of Aviation Insurers |
IULA | International Union of Local Authorities |
IULIA | International Union of Life Insurance Agents |
IUMI | International Union of Marine Insurance |
IUOTO | International Union of Official Travel Organizations |
IUPN | International Union for the Protection of Nature |
IWA | Institute of World Affairs; International Wheat Agreement |
IWF | Internationaler Währungsfonds |
IWT | inland water transport |
IWTO | International Wool Textile Organization |
J | Journal; Judge; Justice |
J & WO,j. & w.o. | jettison and washing overboard |
J.Adv.Gen. | Judge Advocate General |
J.Prob. | Judge of Probate |
J.Pub.L. | Journal of Public Law |
J/A, j./a. | joint account |
JA | Judge Advocate; Judicature Act; Justice of Appeal |
JAG | Judge Advocate General |
JB | Bachelor of Law (Jurum Baccalaureus) |
JBL | Journal of Business Law |
JC | jurisconsult (jurisconsultus); Justice Clerk; Juvenile Court |
JCB | Bachelor of Canon Law (Juris Canonici Baccalaureus); Bachelor of Civil Law (Juris Civilis Baccalaureus) |
JCD | Doctor of Civil Law (Juris Civilis Doctor) |
JCLIL | Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law |
JCPC | Judicial Committee of the Privy Council |
JD | Am Doctor of Law (juris doctor) (früher: LLD) |
JE | joint enterprise |
JEIA | Joint Export Import Agency |
JET | Joint European Torus |
JETRO | Japan External Trade Organization |
JIGE | Joint Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Maritime Liens and Mortgages and Related Subjects |
Jnr | Junior |
JP | Justice of the Peace |
JQB | Justice of the Queen's Bench |
Jr, jr | Junior |
JRC | Joint Research Centre |
JSLB | Joint Stock Land Banks |
JUD | Doctor of both Laws (i.e. the Canon and the Civil Law) (Juris utriusque Doctor) |
Jud.Com.P.C. | Judicial Committee of the Privy Council |
Jun®. | Junior |
jun. | junior |
Jur.D. | Doctor of Law (Juris Doctor) |
jurisp. | jurisprudence |
Jus.P. | Justice of the Peace |
juv. | juvenile |
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