Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
F&D, f. & d. | freight and demurrage |
F. | Fahrenheit; Federal Court Reporter; Fellow; franc(s); Fraser's Scottish Reports |
f. | feet; folio; foot; franc(s) |
F. 2d | Federal Reporter, 2nd Series |
f.a. | free alongside |
f.a.a. | free from all average |
f.a.c. | fast as can |
f.b. | freight bill |
f.d. | free discharge; free dispatch; free delivery; free docks |
f.i.a. | full interest admitted |
f.i.a.s. | free in and stowed |
f.i.c., fic | freight, insurance, carriage |
f.o. | firm offer; free out; full out terms (grain trade) |
f.o.c. | free on car; free of charge |
f.o.d. | free of damage |
f.o.p. | free on plane |
f.o.r.&c.c. | free of riots and civil commotions |
F.O.W. | first open water; free on wag(g)on |
f.o.w. | first open water; free on wag(g)on |
F.P. | fire policy; floating policy; foreign policy; French Patent |
f.p. | fire policy; floating policy; foreign policy; fully paid (premium) |
f.pd. | fully paid |
f.r.&c.c. | free of riots and civil commotions |
F.Supp. | Federal Supplement |
f.y. | fiscal year |
f.y.i. | for your information |
F/S | financial statement |
FA | Finance Act |
FAAAS | Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science |
FAC | Federal Advisory Council |
fac. | facsimile |
FACCA | Fellow of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants |
facs. | facilities; facsimile |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations) |
faq, f.a.q. | fair average quality; free at quay |
faqs | fair average quality of season |
FARA | Foreign Agents' Registration Act |
fas | free alongside ship |
FASB | Financial Accounting Standards Board |
FAST | Forecasting and Assessment in Science and Technology |
FBA | Federal Bar Association; Fellow of the British Academy |
FBAA | Fellow of the British Association of Accountants and Auditors |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FBLA | Federal Bills of Lading Act |
FBM | Fleet Ballistic Missiles |
FC | Finance Company; Free Church (of Scotland); Free Carrier |
FC(&)S., f.c.s. | free of capture and seizure |
FCA | Farm Credit Administration; Federal Code Annotated; Fellow of the (Institute of) Chartered Accountants (Chartered Accountant) |
FCAC | Federal Council of American Churches |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FCDA | Federal Civil Defense Administration |
FCI | Factors Chain International; Fellow of the Institute of Commerce |
FCIA | Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Agents; Foreign Credit Insurance Association |
FCIB | Fellow, Corporation of Insurance Brokers; Fellow, Chartered Institute of Bankers |
FCIC | Foreign Credit Insurance Corporation; Federal Crop Insurance Corporation |
FCII | Fellow, Chartered Insurance Institute |
FCIS | Fellow, Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Administrators |
FCN Treaty | Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation |
FCPA | Fellow of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Foreign Corrupt Practices Act |
FCR | forwarding agent's certificate of receipt |
fcsad | free of capture, seizure, arrest and detainment |
FCSR & CC | free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions |
fcsrcc | free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions |
FDA | Food and Drugs Administration |
FDCA | Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FDIC | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation |
FEA | Federal Energy Administration |
fec. | he (she) made it (fecit) |
Fed. | Federal; Federal Reporter |
fed. | federal |
Fed. 2d | Federal Reporter, 2nd Series |
Fed. Aud. | Federal Auditor |
Fed. Cas. | Federal Cases |
Fed.Bar.J. | Federal Bar Association Journal |
Fed.R.Civ.P. | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure |
Fed.Reg. | Federal Register |
Fed.Supp. | Federal Supplement |
FEPC | Fair Employment Practices Committee |
FERA | Federal Emergency Relief Administration |
FERC | Federal Energy Regulatory Commission |
ff. | folios; following pages |
FFMC | Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation |
FG | Federal Government |
FGA | Foreign General Agent |
FGA, f.g.a. | foreign general average; free from general average |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FHLB | Federal Home Loan Banks |
fi.fa. | you may cause it to be done (fieri facias) |
FIA | Factory Insurance Association; Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries |
FIBOR | Frankfurt Interbank Offered Rate |
FICA | Federal Insurance Contributions Act; Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants |
FICB | Federal Intermediate Credit Banks |
FICS | Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers |
fifo | first-in-first-out |
fig | figuratively |
FII | franked investment income |
FIJ | Fellow of the Institute of Journalists |
fin | financial |
FIO, fio | free in and out |
FIRPTA | Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 |
FIS | freight, insurance and shipping charges |
FIT | Federal Income Tax; Fr Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs; Fixed Investment Trust |
FITA | Foreign Investors Tax Act |
fl. | florin(s) |
FLA | Family Law Act (1996) |
Fla. | Florida (Staat der USA) |
FLB | Federal Land Bank |
FLSA | Fair Labor Standards Act |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission |
FMCS | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service |
FMS | Fellow of the Medical Society |
FMV | fair market value |
FNMA | Federal National Mortgage Association |
FO | Federal Official; Foreign Office |
Fo., fo. | folio |
FOA | Faculty of Advocates; Foreign Operations Administration |
FOB | free on board |
FOBS | Fractional Orbital Bombing System |
FOC | flags of convenience |
fol. | folio |
FOMC | Federal Open Market Committee |
FOP | free on plane |
foq | free on quay |
Foratom | European Atomic Forum |
FOT, fot | free of tax |
FPA | Family Planning Association; Federal Power Act; Foreign Press Association; free from particular average (auch f.p.a.) |
FPAD | freight payable at destination |
FPC | Federal Power Commission |
fpil | full premium if (vessel) lost |
FPO | Federal Post Office |
FR | Federal Register; Federal Reporter |
Fr | French |
FR Bk | Federal Reserve Bank |
FR Dist | Federal Reserve District |
fr. | franc(s) |
Fr.P. | French Patent |
FRA | forward rate agreement; futures rate agreement |
frat. | fraternity |
FRB | Federal Reserve Bank (Board) |
FRC | free carrier |
FRCP | Federal Rules of Civil Procedure |
FRD | Federal Rules Decisions |
FREc.S. | Fellow of the Royal Economic Society |
FRG | Federal Republic of Germany |
FRN | floating rate note |
FRS | Federal Reserve System; Fellow of the Royal Society |
frt | freight |
frt fwd | freight forward |
frt pd | freight paid |
frt ppd | freight prepaid |
FSA | Federal Securities Act; Federal Security Agency; Financial Services Act 1986 |
FSAA | Fellow of the Society of Incorporated Accountants and Auditors (Incorporated Accountant) |
FSIA | Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act |
FSLA | Federal Savings and Loan Association |
FSLIC | Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation |
ft | feet; foot |
FT | Financial Times (newspaper) |
ft2 | square foot |
FTAs | Free Trade Agreements |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
FTCA | Federal Trade Commission Act |
FUA | Farm Underwriters Association |
FUIA | Federal Unemployment Insurance Act |
FWA | Federal Works Agency; Factories and Workshops Act |
fwd | forward; fresh water damage |
FWSAB | Federation of Women Shareholders in American Business |
FWT | flexible working time |
FX, f.x. | foreign exchange |
fy pd | fully paid |
G 5 ' | Group of Five |
G 7 ' | Group of Seven |
G 10 ' | Group of Ten |
g. | gauge; gram(me)(s); guinea |
g.b.o. | goods in bad order |
g.d. | good delivery |
g.f.a. | good fair average |
g.gr., g.gross | great gross (144 dozen) |
g.m.q. | good merchantable quality |
g.o.b. | good ordinary brand |
g.t. | gross terms |
g.t.m. | good this month |
g.t.w. | good this week |
GA | General Agent; General Assembly |
GA, g.a., G/A | general average |
Ga. | Georgia (Staat der USA) |
GA/con. | general average contribution |
GA/dep. | general average deposit |
GAA | general average agreement |
GAAP | generally accepted accounting principles |
GAAS | generally accepted auditing standards |
GAB | General Arrangements to Borrow |
gall. | gallon(s) |
GAO | General Accounting Office |
GAOR | Official Records of the General Assembly (of the United Nations) |
GAQ | general average quality |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GAW | guaranteed annual wage |
gaz. | gazette(d); gazetter |
GB | Great Britain |
GB&I. | Great Britain and Ireland |
GBE | Knight (or Dame) Grand Cross (of the Order) of the British Empire |
GCBS | General Council of British Shipping |
GCE | General Certificate of Education |
GCHQ | Government Communications Headquarters |
GCM | General Court-Martial |
GCR | general cargo rates |
GCSE | General Certificate of Secondary Education |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
gegr. | gegründet |
GEMM | gilt-edged market maker |
Gen. Ass. | General Assembly, Official Records |
Gen.Aud. | General Auditor |
gen.av. | general average |
Gen.Man. | General Manager |
Ger | German |
Ger.Pat. | German Patent |
GesR | Gesellschaftsrecht |
Ggs. | Gegensatz |
GI | Government Issue |
Gib. | Gibraltar |
Glos. | Gloucestershire |
gloss. | glossary |
GM | General Manager; General Motors; guided missile |
GMB, g.m.b. | good merchantable brand |
GmbH | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung |
GMC | General Medical Council |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GN | Government Notices |
GNP | Gross National Product |
gns | guineas |
Goffex | German Options and Financial Futures Exchange |
GOP | Grand Old Party (Republican Party USA) |
Gov. | Government; Governor |
Gov.Gen. | Governor-General |
Gov.Pr.Off. | Government Printing Office |
Govt | Government |
GP | Gallup poll; General Practitioner; German Patent; Grand Prix |
GPO | Government Printing Office |
GPP | general purchasing power accounting |
GR | King George (Georgius Rex) |
gr. | gross; grain |
gr.wt | gross weight |
GRT, g.r.t. | gross register ton(s) |
GSP | Generalized System of Preferences |
Gt.Br. | Great Britain |
GTC, g.t.c. | good till cancel(l)ed (or countermanded) |
guar. | guarantee(d) |
GUN | grantor underwritten note |
GV | gross value; Fast Train (Fr grande vitesse) |
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