Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
d. | date; pence; (former) penny (denarius) |
d.b.a., d/b/a | doing business as |
d.b.n. | of the goods not (yet administered) (de bonis non) |
d.d. | days after date; days' date; direct debiting; gave as a gift (dono dedit) |
d.h.d. | dispatch half demurrage |
d.h.d.a.t.s. | dispatch money half demurrage all time saved |
d.h.d.w.s. | dispatch money half demurrage working time saved |
d.l.o. | dispatch loading only |
d.s.p. | died without issue (decessit sine parole) |
d.w., d/w | deadweight |
d.w.c. | deadweight capacity |
d.w.c.c. | deadweight cargo capacity |
d.w.t. | deadweight tonnage |
D/A | days after acceptance; deposit account; discharge afloat; documents against acceptance; documents attached |
d/a | days after acceptance; documents against (or on) acceptance |
D/D | delivered at docks; demand draft; documentary draft |
d/n | debit note |
D/R | deposit receipt |
D/S, d/s., d.s. | days after sight |
D/W | divident warrant; dock warrant |
DA | Defense Act; Deposit Account; District Attorney |
DAA | Deed of Arrangement Act |
DAC | Development Assistance Committee (OECD) |
DAF | Delivered At Frontier |
Dak. | Dakota (Staat der USA) |
DAV | disabled American veterans |
DB, d.b. | day book; deals and battens (timber trade) |
DBA | Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen |
DBB, d.b.b. | deals, battens and board (timber trade) |
DC | Diners Club; Deviation Clause; District of Columbia; District Court; Divisional Court |
DCE | domestic credit expansion |
DCL | Doctor of Civil Law |
DCM | Distinguished Conduct Medal; District Court Martial |
DD | damage done; Dishonorable Discharge |
dd/s | delivered sound (grain trade) |
DDA | Dangerous Drugs Act |
D-day | Debarkation Day (Date of Allied Invasion of France; June 6, 1944); day on which decimal currency came into use in the UK (Feb. 15, 1971) |
DDD | direct distance dial(l)ing |
DDP | delivered duty paid |
dds | delivered in sound condition |
DDU | Delivered Duty Unpaid |
deb. | debenture |
dec., decd | deceased |
Def., deft | defendant |
Del. | Delaware (Staat der USA) |
dely (and redely) | delivery (and redelivery) |
Dem. | Democrat; Democratic |
Dep(t) | department |
dep. | departure; deputy |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship |
dev. | deviation |
DF | Dean of Faculty |
dft | defendant; draft |
DG | Dangerous Goods; director-general |
dieb. alt. | every other day (diebus alternis) |
dipl | diplomatic term |
DISC | Domestic International Sales Corporation |
disc., disct | discount |
dist. | distance; district |
Dist. Atty | District Attorney |
Dist. Ct. | District Court |
Dist. J. | District Judge |
Dist. Rep. | District Reports |
distr. | distributed; distribution; distributor |
Div., div. | dividend; division |
DJAG | Deputy Judge Advocate-General |
DJIA | Dow Jones Industrial Average |
DL | Doctor of Law |
DLO | Dead Letter Office |
dls/shr. | dollars per share |
DM | D-Mark, deutschemark |
DMU | decision-making unit |
do | ditto (the same) |
DOA | dead on arrival (e.g. at hospital) |
DOC | Department of Commerce |
doc. | document |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Employment; Department of the Environment |
DOJ | Department of Justice |
DOL | Department of Labor |
dol. | dollar |
dom. | domestic; domicile |
Dom. Proc. | House of Lords (Domus Procerum) |
doz. | dozen |
DP | Displaced Person(s) |
DPB, dpb | deposit pass book |
DPMA | Data Processing Management Association |
DPP | Director of Public Prosecutions |
dpt | department |
DR | daily report; District Registry |
Dr | debtor; Doctor |
dr | debit (in double entry bookkeeping) |
DSB | Drug Supervisory Body |
DSC | Distinguished Service Cross |
DSM | Distinguished Service Medal |
DSO | Distinguished Service Order; deck stowage only |
DSS | decision support system |
DTI | Department of Trade and Industry |
dwt | pennyweight (denarius weight) |
dz. | dozen(s) |
E & OE | errors and omissions excepted |
E. & B. | Ellis and Blackburn's Queen's Bench Reports |
E. & o.e. | errors and omissions excepted |
E. and P. | extraordinary and plenipotentiary |
e.g. | for example (exempli gratia); of a like kind (ejusdem generis) |
e.o.d. | every other day |
e.o.h.p. | except otherwise herein provided |
E.P.D. | excess profits duty |
E/I | endorsement irregular |
EA | Education Act; Economic Adviser |
EAAA | European Association of Advertising Agencies |
EAEC | European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) |
EAES | European Atomic Energy Society |
EAGGF | European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund |
EAL | Eastern Air Lines (New York) |
EAM | electronic accounting machine |
EAN | European article number |
EARN | European Academic and Research Network |
EAT | Employment Appeal Tribunal |
EB | Encyclopaedia Britannica |
EBIT | earnings before interest and tax |
EC | East Central (London postal district); East Coast; Established Church; European Community; European Communities; European Commission |
ECA | Economic Commission for Africa (of the United Nations); European Communities Act; Exchange Control Act |
ECAFE | Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (of the United Nations) |
ECB | European Central Bank |
eccl | ecclesiastical term |
ECCS | emergency core-cooling system |
ECE | Economic Commission for Europe (of the United Nations) |
ECGD | Export Credits Guarantee Department |
ECITO | European Central Inland Transport Organization |
ECLA | Economic Commission for Latin America (of the United Nations) |
ECM | European Common Market |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association |
ECNR | European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) |
ECO | European Coal Organization |
Econ. | Economics |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Council (of the United Nations) |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
ECP | eurocommercial paper |
ECS | Echantillons Commerciaux (Commercial Samples) |
ECSC | European Coal and Steel Community (Montanunion) |
ECU, ecu | European currency unit |
ed. | edited; edition; editor |
Ed. in Ch. | Editor in Chief |
EDF | European Development Fund |
EDGAR | Electronic Data Gathering Analysis And Retrieval |
EDI | electronic data interchange |
EDP (M) | electronic data processing (machine) |
EDV | elektronische Datenverarbeitung |
EE & MP | Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary |
EE, e.e. | errors excepted |
EEA | European Economic Area; European Environment Agency |
EEC | European Economic Community (EWG) |
EEDB | European Energy Data Base |
EEIG | European Economic Interest Grouping |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission |
EET | Eastern European Time |
EFF | extended fund facility |
EFT | electronic funds transfer |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association; Electronic Fund Transfer Act |
EFTPOS | electronic funds transfer at point of sale |
EG | Europäische Gemeinschaften |
EIA | environmental impact assessment |
EIB | European Investment Bank |
EIR | Environmental Impact Report |
ejusd. | of the same kind (ejusdem) |
EMBC | European Molecular Biology Conference |
EMBL | European Molecular Biology Laboratory |
EMBO | European Molecular Biology Organization |
Emer. | Emeritus |
EMI | European Monetary Institution |
EMS | European Monetary System |
EMU | European Monetary Union |
encl. | enclosure(s) |
ENEA | European Nuclear Energy Agency |
ENET | European Nuclear Energy Tribunal |
Engl. | England; English |
Engl.Rep. | English Reports |
Ent. Sta.Hall | entered at Stationers' Hall |
Env. Ext. | Envoy Extraordinary |
EOE | European Options Exchange |
EOM | end of month; every other month |
EOQ | economic order quantity |
EP | European Parliament |
Ep. | Bishop (episcopus) |
EPA | European Productivity Agency; Environmental Protection Agency; Employment Protection Act |
Episc. | Episcopal |
EPO | European Patent Office |
EPPO | European Plant Protection Organization |
EPS | earnings per share |
EPT | excess profits tax |
EPTA | Expanded Program(me) of Technical Assistance |
Epus | Bishop (Episcopus) |
Eq. | equity (cases) |
Eq.Ca.Ab. | equity cases abridged |
EQS | Environmental Quality Standards |
ER | Queen Elizabeth (Elizabetha Regina); English Reports |
ERDC | Energy Research and Development Committee |
ERDF | European Regional Development Fund |
ERISA | Employee Retirement Income Security Act |
ERM | exchange rate mechanism |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESAF | enhanced structural adjustment facility |
ESC | Economic and Social Council (of United Nations); Engineering Standards Commission |
ESCAP | Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific |
ESCB | European System of Central Banks |
ESF | European Social Fund |
ESOMAR | European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research |
ESOP, Esop | Employee Stock Ownership Plan |
esp. | especially |
Esprit | European Strategic Programme for Research and Development in Information Technology |
Esq. | Esquire |
ESRA | European Safety and Reliability Association |
ESRC | Economic and Social Research Council |
ESSA | environmental survey satellite |
EST | Eastern Standard Time |
et al. | and elsewhere (et alibi); and others (et alii) |
et seq., et sq. | and the following (et sequens) |
et seqq., et sqq. | and those following (et sequentes) |
ETA, eta | estimated time of arrival |
eta. | expected to arrive |
etc | usw. |
etc. | and so forth (et cetera) |
ETD, etd | estimated time of departure |
ets. | expected to sail |
etw. | etwas |
EU | European Union |
EUA | European Unit of Account |
EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for the Exploitation of Metereological Satellites |
EuR | Europarecht |
Eur.L.Rev. | European Law Review |
Euratom | European Atomic Energy Community |
Eureca | European Research Coordinating Agency |
Eurochemic | European Company for the Chemical Processing of Irradiated Nuclear Fuels |
Eurocontrol | European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation |
Euromarket | European Common Market |
Euronet | European data network |
EUTELSAT | European Telecommunications Satellite Organization |
EV | economic value |
EVCA | European Venture Capital Association |
EWADAT | Europ. Waste Data Bank |
ex cp. | not including right to coupon (ex coupon) |
ex div. | without dividend (ex dividendo) |
ex gr. | for example (exempli gratia) |
ex int. | not including interest (ex interest) |
ex n. | excluding the right to new shares (ex new [shares]) |
ex off. | by authority of his office (ex officio) |
ex p. | on the application of; of one side only (ex parte) |
ex rel. | ex relatione (on the relation or information) |
ex ss. | ex steamer |
ex tm. | in accordance with the testament (ex testamento) |
ex whf | ex wharf |
ex whse | ex warehouse |
Ex. | Exchange; Exchequer Reports |
Ex. D. | Exchequer Division (Law Reports) |
Ex. O. | Executive Order |
Exch. | Exchange; Exchequer; Exchequer Reports |
excl. | excluding; exclusive |
exd | examined; exchanged; excluded; executed |
exec. | executed; executive; executor |
Eximbank | Export-Import Bank (Washington) |
exp. | expected; expenses; export(ed) |
exw | ex works . . . (named place) |
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