Abkürzung | Englischer bzw. deutscher Begriff |
C | Celsius; Centigrade; Chancellor; Chancery; Conservative |
C & D, c. d. | collected and delivered |
C & F, c & f | cost and freight |
c & i | cost and insurance |
c. | (Shipping News) called; cent(s); chapter; about (circa) |
c. a. d. | cash against documents |
C. a. v. | the Court desires to consider (curia advisari vult) |
c. c. | account current (Fr compte courant); continuation clause; cubic centimet|re (~er) |
c. d. | cash discount; certificate of deposit; with dividend (cum dividendo) |
c. d. v. | visiting card (Fr carte de visite) |
c. div. | with dividend (cum dividendo) |
C. Eng. | chartered engineer |
c. f. | illustrated (cum figurus) |
c. ft. | cubic feet |
c. l. | carload |
c. l. c. | commercial letter of credit |
C. Rob. | C. Robinson's Admiralty Reports |
C.-in-C. | Commander-in-Chief |
c.o.w. | cash with order |
c.p. | carriage paid |
c.q.d., cqd | customary quick dispatch |
c.t.a. | with the will annexed (cum testamento annexo) |
c.t.l.o. | constructive total loss only |
c.w. | commercial weight |
c.w.o. | cash with order |
C/D | Certificate of Deposit |
C/E | customs entry |
C/F | carriage forward |
c/f | carried forward |
c/i | certificate of insurance |
c/m | call of more (stocks) |
C/N | circular note; consignment note; credit note |
C/O | cash order; certificate of origin |
c/o | care of; carried over |
C/P | carriage paid; charter party; custom of the port (grain trade) |
c/p | custom of the port (grain trade) |
c/s | cases |
CA | Companies Act; Central America; chartered accountant; chief accountant; consular agent; Court of Appeal(s); current account |
ca. | about (circa) |
CAA | Civil Aeronautics Administration; Civil Aviation Authority |
CAB | Citizens' Advice Bureau |
CAC | Central Arbitration Committee |
CACA | Central After-Care Association; Chartered Association of Certified Accountants |
CAD | computer-aided design |
CAL | computer-assisted learning |
Cal. | California (Staat der USA) |
Cal. Rptr. | California Reporter |
Calif. L. Rev. | California Law Review |
CALTEX | California-Texas Oil Corporation |
CAM | computer-aided manufacturing |
Camb. | Cambridge |
Cambs. | Cambridgeshire |
Can. | Canada; Canadian |
Can. | Canadian English (Kanada) |
canc. | cancel(l)ed |
Cantab. | of Cambridge (Cantabrigiensis) |
Cantuar. | of Canterbury (Cantuariensis) |
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy; computer-aided planning |
cap. | capital; chapter (caput) |
CAPM | capital asset pricing model |
Capt. | Captain |
CAQ | computer-aided quality assurance |
CAR | contractors' all risks insurance; Civil Air Regulations; Criminal Appeal Reports |
CARE | (originally:) Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe; (now:) Cooperative for American Relief Elsewhere |
CARICOM | Caribbean Community and Common Market |
Cath. | Catholic |
CATS | Certificates of Accrual on Treasury Securities |
Cau | Caucasian (white race) |
CB | cash book; Companion, Order of the Bath; Confidential Book; confinement to barracks; County Borough |
CB & H | Continent between Bordeaux and Hamburg |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
CBD., c. b. d. | cash before delivery |
CBE | Commander, Order of the British Empire |
CBI | Confederation of British Industry |
CBOE | Chicago Board Options Exchange |
CBOT | Chicago Board of Trade |
CBS | Columbia Broadcasting System |
CC | Chamber of Commerce; Circuit Court; Civil Commotion(s); County Clerk; County Council(l)or; County Court; Crown Cases; Customs Code |
CCA | Circuit Court of Appeals; United States Circuit Court of Appeals Reports; County Courts Act 1959; Court of Criminal Appeal; current cost accounting; Consumer Credit Act |
CCAB | Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies |
CCC | Central Criminal Court; Commodity Credit Corporation; Council for Cultural Cooperation (im Europarat) |
CCE | Commissioners of Customs and Excise |
CCIO | Classification of Commodities by Industrial Origin |
CCJ | Circuit Court Judge |
CCJO | Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations |
CCL | customs clearance |
CCls. | Court of Claims |
CCP | Code of Civil Procedure; Court of Common Pleas |
CCPA | U. S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals |
CCR | Cox's Criminal Law Reports; Crown Cases Reserved; County Court Rules 1981 |
CCrP | Code of Criminal Procedure |
CCT | Common Customs Tariff |
CD | corporate design; Chancery Division; Civil Defen|ce (~se); Coast Defence; contagious diseases; Corps Diplomatique; compact disc |
cd fwd | carried forward |
CDA | Contagious Diseases Act |
CE | Council of Europe (Fr Conseil de l'Europe); Chief Engineer; Church of England; Civil Engineer |
Cedel | Centrale de Livraison de Valeur Mobilières (international computerized clearing house for Eurobonds) |
CEMA | Council for the Encouragement of Music and Arts |
Cems | Community of European Management Schools |
CEMT | Fr Conférence Européenne des Ministres des Transports |
cent. | hundred (centum) |
CENTO | Central Treaty Organization |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CERCLA | Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act |
CERN | European Organization for Nuclear Research (Fr Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) |
Cert. AIB | Certificated Associate of the Institute of Bankers |
cert. denied | certiorari denied |
cert. inv. | certified invoice |
cert., certif. | certificate, certified |
CET | Central European Time; Common External Tariff |
cet. par. | other things being equal (ceteris paribus) |
CF | Corresponding Fellow; most illustrious woman (clarissima femina) |
CF, c. f. | cost and freight |
cf. | compare (confer; conferatur) |
cf. | compare |
CFI, c. f. i. | cost, freight and insurance |
CFO | chief financial officer |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations; Council on Foreign Relations; Cost and Freight |
CFS | Container Freight Station |
CFTC | Commodity Futures Trading Commission |
CG | Coast Guard; Commanding General; Consul-General |
CGA, c. g. a. | cargo's proportion of general average |
CGPDTM | Comptroller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks |
CGSA | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act |
CH | clearing house; confirming house; customs house; Companion of Honour |
CH & H. | Continent between Havre and Hamburg |
Ch. | Chancery; Chancery Appeals; Chancery Cases; Chancery Division (Law Reports) |
ch. | chapter |
Ch. Acct. | chief accountant |
Ch. App. Cas. | Chancery Appeal Cases |
Ch. D(iv). | Chancery Division |
Ch. D. | Chancery Division (Law Reports) |
ch. fwd | charges forward |
ch. pd | charges paid |
ch. ppd | charges prepaid |
Ch.J. | Chief Justice |
Cha.Ca. | Cases in Chancery |
Chanc. | Chancellor; Chancery |
CHC | Clerk to the House of Commons |
Ches. | Cheshire |
chg. acct | charge account |
chgd | charged |
chges ppd | charges prepaid |
CHIPS | Clearing House Interbank Payment System |
CI | Corporate Identity; Channel Islands; Consular Invoice |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency; Canadian Institute of International Affairs |
CIC | Counter Intelligence Corps |
CICA | Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants |
CID | Criminal Investigation Department |
CIE | Captain's imperfect entry (customs) |
Cie | company (Fr compagnie) |
CIF | Cost, Insurance And Freight |
cifci | cost, insurance, freight, commissio, and interest |
CIM | International Convention Concerning the Transport of Goods by Rail (Fr Convention International concernant le Transport des Marchandises par Chemins de Fer); computer-integrated manufacturing |
CIMA | Chartered Institute of Management Accountants |
CINCAF | Commander in Chief, Asiatic Fleet (US Navy) |
CINCLANT | Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet (US Navy) |
CINCPAC | Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet (US Navy) |
CINCPOA | Commander in Chief, Pacific Operations Area (US Navy) |
CIO | Congress of Industrial Organizations |
CIP | Carriage And Insurance Paid |
CIPA | Chartered Institute of Patents Agents |
CIPFA | Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy |
Cir. Ct. | Circuit Court |
Circ. J. | Circuit Judge |
CIS | Chartered Institute of Secretaries; Counter-Intelligence Service; Commonwealth of Independent States |
CIT | Court of International Trade |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora |
City Ct. R. | City Court Reports |
City Ct. R. Supp. | City Court Reports, Supplement |
City H. Rec. | City Hall Recorder |
CIV | International Convention concerning the Transport of Passengers and Baggage by Rail (Fr Convention Internationale concernant le Transport des Voyageurs et des Bagages par Chemins de Fer) |
Civ. Eng. | Civil Engineer |
CJ | Chief Judge; Chief Justice; Corpus Juris |
CJS | Corpus Juris Secundum |
CKD | completely knocked down |
cks | casks |
CLCB | Committee of London Clearing Bankers |
cld | called; cleared (customs) |
CLE | continuing legal education |
CLJ | Cambridge Law Journal |
CLLA | Commercial Law League of America |
CLR | Common Law Reports |
CM | Corresponding Member; court-martial |
CMA | cash management account |
Cmd. | Command Paper (1919-1956) |
CMI | Comité Maritime International |
CML. Rev. | Common Market Law Review |
CMO | collateralized mortgage obligation |
CMR | Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road |
CMS | Cash Management System; Church Missionary Society |
CND | Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament |
CO | Commanding Officer; Conscientious Objector |
Co. | Company; county |
Co. Inst. | Coke's Institutes of the Laws of England |
COB | Commission des opérations de bourse (Stock Exchange Commission, France) |
COBOL | common business-oriented language |
COCOM | Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls |
COD, c. o. d. | cash on delivery; collect on delivery |
Cod. Jur. Civ. | Justinian's Code (Codex Juris Civilis) |
COGSA | Carriage of Goods by Sea Act |
Col. | Colonel; Colorado; Columbia |
col. | colonel; colonial; colony; colo(u)red; column |
Col. L. Rev. | Columbia Law Review |
COLA | cost-of-living adjustment |
coll. tr. | collateral trust (bonds) |
colloq. | colloquial |
Colo. | Colorado (Staat der USA) |
com | commercial term |
com. | commerce; commercial; commission; commissioned; commissioner; committee |
Com. Cas. | Commercial Cases |
COMECON | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance |
COMEX | Commodity Exchange, New York |
Comp. Gen. | Comptroller General |
Comp. Stat. | Compiled Statutes |
Comr. | Commissioner |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite |
conf. | compare (confer) |
Conn. | Connecticut (Staat der USA) |
Cons. | Conservative; Consignees; Consols; Consul |
cons., consd | consolidated |
Cons.-Gen. | Consul-General |
Consols | Consolidated Annuities (British Government stock) |
Cont (AH) | Continent, Antwerp-Hamburg range |
Cont (BH) | Continent, Bordeaux-Hamburg range |
Cont (HH) | Continent, Havre-Hamburg range |
cont. bon. mor. | contrary to good manners (contra bonos mores) |
contwood | The Baltic and International Maritime Conference Wood Charter, 1937 |
COO | chief operating officer |
Coop | Cooperative (Society) |
Cor. | coroner |
cor. | in the presence of (coram) |
Corn. | Cornwall |
Corp., corp. | corporation |
Corr. Mem. | Corresponding Member |
COS | cash on shipment; Chamber of Shipping; Chief of Staff; Charity Organization Society |
COST | European Cooperation on Scientific and Technical Research |
COTIF | Convention relative aux transports internationaux ferroviaires |
Cox CC | E. W. Cox's Criminal Law Cases |
CP | Canadian Press (Ottawa); Charter Party; Clerk of the Peace; Code of Procedure; Common Pleas; Communist Party; Court of Probate |
cp. off | coupon off (bonds) |
cp. on | coupon on (bonds) |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant; Chartered Patent Agent |
CPC | Clerk of the Privy Council |
CPD, c.p.d. | charterers pay dues |
CPH | certificate of public health |
CPI | consumer price index |
CPLR | Civil Practise Law and Rules |
CPQ | Code of Civil Procedure (Quebeck) |
CPR | Canadian Pacific Railway |
CPRE | Council for the Protection of Rural England |
CPS | Crown Prosecution Service; Keeper of the Privy Seal (Custos Privati Sigilli) |
CPSC | Consumer Product Safety Commission |
CPT | Carriage Paid To |
cr | credit (in double entry bookkeeping) |
Cr.App. | Criminal Appeal (Law Reports) |
Cr.Ca. | Criminal Cases (Law Reports) |
CRC | current replacement cost |
Crim.App.R. | Criminal Appeal Reports |
crim.con. | criminal conversation |
Crim.L.R. | Criminal Law Review |
Crim.L.Rep. | Criminal Law Reporter |
CRU | Collective Reserve Unit |
CS | Civil Service; Court of Session; Keeper of the Seal (Custos Sigilli) |
CSC | Civil Service Commission; Conspicuous Service Cross; International Convention for Safe Containers |
CSE | Certificate of Secondary Education |
CT | cubic tonnage; cable transfer; commercial travel(l)er; conference terms; Corporation Tax |
ct | cent |
Ct. App. | Court of Appeals |
Ct. Cl. | Court of Claims |
CTL, c.t.l. | constructive total loss |
ctl. | central (100 lb. weight) |
cts. | cents |
CTT | Capital Transfer Tax (obs.) |
CTV | commercial television |
Cty Ct | County Court |
CU | Cambridge University |
cu.ft | cubic foot (feet) |
cub. | cubic |
cum d., cum div. | with dividend (cum dividendo) |
cum int. | with interest (cum interest) |
cum. part. pref. | cumulative participating preference shares |
cum. pref. | cumulative preference shares |
Cumb. | Cumberland |
cur. adv. vult | the court wishes to deliberate (curia advisari vult) |
CV | contributing value (G. A.) |
CW | Canada West; chemical warfare; commercial weight |
CWS | Church World Service; Cooperative Wholesale Society |
cwt | hundredweight (Br 112 pounds, Am 100 pounds) |
CYMS | Catholic Young Men's Society of Great Britain |
CYO | Catholic Youth Organization |
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